Deskpro’s WhatsApp integration allows you to initiate conversations with customers by sending WhatsApp message templates.
As per WhatsApp’s guidelines, business accounts can only send free-form messages within 24 hours of the customer’s last response. Message templates allow you to contact customers beyond this point.
Creating a WhatsApp Message Template
Admins can create WhatsApp message templates in WhatsApp Manager. For a personalized customer experience, you can include variables in message templates, which can later be customized in Deskpro.
The templates will appear in Deskpro in the WhatsApp Message Templates page in Admin, where you can customize the friendly name and permissions for each template.
Deskpro currently only supports text-based message template headers. If a message template with a media-based header is created, it will not appear in Deskpro.
Sending a WhatsApp Message Template
Agents can easily initiate a WhatsApp conversation with a customer by clicking the “Send Templated Message” button in the WhatsApp reply box on a ticket. Agents can select a message template, then preview the content and populate any variables before sending it to a customer.
Once the customer responds, the 24-hour free-form messaging window will open, allowing uninterrupted communication between the customer and agent.
Deskpro customers can integrate with WhatsApp for free, and any conversation-based fees are charged by WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Business accounts are eligible for 1000 free customer-initiated conversations per month. For business-initiated conversations, fees start at $0.15 per message template sent. Pricing varies based on template category and recipient country, which can be understood in more detail here.
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