You can access the Community settings in Help Center > Community > Settings.
Here you can enable and disable Community for each of your brands.
The following options are also available:
Homepage Short Cut Bar - You can select whether to show Community as a big button option on your homepage.

Subscriptions - Allow users to subscribe to Community topics so they're notified of any updates.
User Access - Define which usergroups have access to the Community.
The Community area is structured around forums. Each forum is a space for Users to discuss relevant topics. You must have a minimum of one forum in place to use Community.

You can manage your forums in Help Center > Community > Forums.
Creating a new forum
To create a new forum head to Help Center > Community > Forums and hit the + New button in the top right.
This will launch a drawer where you can add your forum settings.

Forum settings
You will need to add the following:
Title - Specify the title of your forum. You will also need to specify how it is referred to in different contexts to ensure your Help Center copy is gramatically sound (Noun, Plural and Verb are needed).
Description - A brief description of the forum to show on the Community landing page on your Help Center.
Brand - The brand you would like your forum displayed on.
User Groups - Who can access the forum.
Status - The statuses available on this forum (see stauses section below).
Forum Design Settings
Icon - The icon will be displayed on the Community landing page and through the interface to identify your forum.
Color - Changes the background color for your icon.
Splash Image - Select or upload an image to be displayed for your forum on the Community landing page.
You can apply statuses to each of your Community topics to mange their progress.
These can be managed in Help Center > Community > Statuses.

The default statuses that will exist when you launch your helpdesk are:
Gathering Feedback
Open Discussion
Under Review
You can also create custom statuses, to do this click the + New button.
Each status you create will require the following information:
Title - The title as the status to be displayed through the helpdesk.
Brand - The brand the status will be available on.
Type - There are two types of a status; active and closed. As you'd expect active statuses will be used to manage your active conversations and closed will be applied to conversations that have ended. Topics with closed statuses do not show on the Help Center by default but can be displayed if the User specifies the status.
Color - The color the staus will be displayed in on the Help Center.
Community fields are an easy and flexible way to add extra information to Community topics.

You can set up Community fields in Help Center > Community > Fields.
The field types available for Community are the same as those for tickets.
You can also add labels to Community topics. Users will be able to click on Community topic labels to automatically search all articles tagged with that label.

You can create and manage labels in Help Center > Community > Labels.
For more information on managing labels view the Labels Guide.
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