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Status Edit Options

in Statuses
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 19 Oct 2021

When you click on each status, there are different properties you can change in the edit drawers.

Awaiting Agent

Here you can observe the Ticket count for Tickets that have the status Awaiting Agent.


Awaiting User

Here you can observe the Ticket count as well as edit certain options in the status section.

You could set an action for Tickets under the Awaiting User status after the Ticket has been awaiting User for a certain period of time. In this example, an email will be sent to the User after the Ticket has been awaiting User for 1 week.

You could add more actions by selecting the plus button beside the action. For example here, after ticket has been awaiting for 3 weeks, the ticket status is set as resolved.



Here you can observe the Ticket count as well as set the setting for Total Waiting Time.


Under Total Waiting Time dropdown list, there are a few options you can set the Total Waiting Time to:

  • Time spent in this status count towards total Agent waiting.

  • Time spent in this status count towards total User waiting.

  • Time spent in this status count does not count towards waiting time.


Here you can observe the Ticket count for Tickets that have the status Resolved.



Here you can observe the Ticket count as well as enable the Auto-Archive option. This option allows resolved Tickets to be automatically set to the Archived status after a certain period of time, which can be selected in the dropdown list.

Another option available is the Reset Search Index option. When archiving is enabled, Deskpro uses a special optimized search index that filters are run off of. This allows the system to improve performance of filters.

If there is a problem with the helpdesk such as an error or database problem, it is possible the search index may become misaligned. Hence, it may need resetting, by selecting the Reset button.



Here you can observe the Ticket count for Tickets that have the status Deleted as well as run an Automatic Clean Up where the deleted Tickets are purged from the system after a certain period of time.

You can also select the Run Clean Up Now option to run the clean up now.



Here you can observe the Ticket count for Tickets that have the status Spam as well as run an Automatic Clean Up where the spam Tickets are purged from the system after a certain period of time.

You can also select the Run Clean Up Now option to run the cleanup now.



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