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Status Types

in Statuses
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 17 Oct 2021

Deskpro statuses are used to track who needs to respond to the Ticket next. The core statuses are Awaiting Agent / Awaiting User/ Resolved / Pending.

The helpdesk knows that Awaiting Agent Tickets need to be brought to the attention of Agents, and Resolved is for a Ticket where the query has been answered.

Here are a few statuses that are used to track the progress of Tickets:



Awaiting Agent

The ticket is waiting for attention from one of your Agents

Awaiting User

The Ticket is waiting for the User to reply


The User and an Agent are actively communicating on the Ticket


The Ticket is awaiting the completion of an action


A finished Ticket that no longer requires action from the Agent nor the User


An old Ticket is placed in this filter


A Ticket that is removed


A Ticket that is placed under Spam is removed from the view


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