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Department and Email Triggers

in Triggers
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Published: 26 Jul 2023|Last updated: 26 Jul 2023

Deskpro has built-in Department and Email Account triggers.


These simple triggers have fixed criteria, which you can’t edit.

  • Department Triggers: each department on your helpdesk has a New Ticket trigger which runs when a ticket is created through any means except email: either through the agent interface, the web portal, or an embedded form or widget.

    These triggers link tickets submitted through the web to an email account; for example, tickets submitted to your Customer Support department have their messages sent from your customersupport@ account because of a department trigger.


There is also a Updated Ticket Trigger that applies when a ticket is changed to a certain department. This has no actions by default. If you want the email account used to send messages about a ticket to update when the ticket’s department is changed, you can use this trigger.

For example, suppose you have a sales@ account linked to the Sales department; by default, if a user submits a ticket to salest@, then an agent changes the department of the ticket to Customer Support, the agent will continue to receive ticket emails from your customersupport@ address. If you wanted the user in this situation to start receiving messages from your customersupports@ account, you could accomplish this with the Customer Support department Updated Ticket Trigger:


You can view and edit the simple Department triggers from Ticket Structure > Departments as well as Business Rules > Triggers > Department Triggers.

  • Email Account triggers: each account you have configured to receive tickets has a simple trigger which runs when a new ticket is created via email.

    These triggers link your email accounts to departments by assigning all new tickets created via an account to a specified department. For example, emails sent to your sales@ account create tickets in the Sales department because of an email trigger.


You can view and edit the simple Email Account triggers from Business Rules > Triggers > Email Triggers.

By default, a new helpdesk doesn’t send an auto-response email to the user to acknowledge a new ticket.

You can quickly enable an auto-response email to the user using the Send User Email action from a Department or Email Account trigger. The default New Ticket Auto-Response email template sends the user a simple acknowledgement message.


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