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User Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

in User Auth and SSO Options
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Published: 26 Sept 2023|Last updated: 26 Sept 2023

User Two Factor Authentication is for Enterprise Customers only. You will need to upgrade to Deskpro Enterprise to enable this feature.

If you would like you set up 2FA for Agents logging into the helpdesk you can check out our Agent 2FA Guide.

To set up User Two Factor Authentication, go to CRM > User Auth & SSO. Under Deskpro authentication, click the manage button:


Scroll down to the section Two Factor Authentication (2FA). There are two methods of 2FA you can set up on your Help Center, Email 2FA and TOTP Service.


TOTP ServiceCopy link to TOTP Service to clipboard

If you enable the toggle TOTP Service, this will give Users the option to log into your Help Center using a Time-based One Time Password via an Authentication App.


Your Users will need an authentication app or service to be able to enable 2FA on their account via this method.

Once enabled, Users will be presented with the option to set up 2FA in their account area on the Help Center.


They can either scan the QR code, if they are on a mobile device, or enter the passphrase into their authenticator app which will then enable 2FA on their account.

Email 2FACopy link to Email 2FA to clipboard

If you enable Email 2FA your Users will be able to set up 2FA with email verification when they log in. Users can authenticate themselves by entering the One-Time Password sent to the email address associate with their User Profile.

In the setup menu, you can select from which of your helpdesk email accounts the Email 2FA codes are sent from:


If you only enable TOTP Service or Email 2FA, then Users will not be required to set up 2FA for their account. If you want to make Two-Factor Authentication mandatory for all Users you need to enable the option Require users to set up 2FA.

Mandatory 2FACopy link to Mandatory 2FA to clipboard

If you make 2FA mandatory for all Users, by enabling the option Require users to set up 2FA. When this is enabled, all Users will be required to set up 2FA at their next login.

You can also apply a Grace Period, this will give Users the option to skip setting up 2FA at login until the date you have specified.


Managing and Removing 2FACopy link to Managing and Removing 2FA to clipboard

You can also manage the 2FA settings for individual Users on their User Profile.


From here you can set up 2FA for specific Users:


Or in the event a User loses access to their authentication app or email account (if they lose or break their phone, or get locked out of their auth app) Admins have the ability to remove 2FA from their account:


As an Admin, you can control which agents can manange User 2FA by granting/removing the Can reset password/manage 2FA permission in Agent Settings.

You can share the following article with your Users to walk them through the steps to set up 2FA on their accounts from your Help Center, or if they run into any issues: How do I set up User 2FA on Deskpro?

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