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Creating Macros

in Macros
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Published: 18 Oct 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

Macros let you apply a pre-defined sequence of actions to a Ticket quickly and easily.

If your workflow involves doing the same steps over and over again, setting up a Macro can save you and your Agents valuable time.


If your procedure when there is a complicated problem is to:

  • Assign it to the 2nd level Support Team.

  • Label it “complicated”.

  • Add your Manager as a follower.

This process could be simplified with a Macro; here's how you would set that up:

  1. Open Business rules > Macros > Macros.

  2. Click on + New button.

  3. Enter a name for the Macro. If you want to created nested folders, enter a folder name followed by ->.

  4. Under 'Categories select the category you want the Macro to belong to. This will determine who has access to the Macro.

  5. Add a shortcode for your Macro; which enables Agents to apply the Macro by simply typing the shortcode.

  6. Set the Action from the pull-down menu. In this example, first you need to Set Agent.

  7. You then select which Agent to assign.

  8. Now click on the  + on the right hand side and use the Add Labels from the drop-down menu to have the Macro label the Ticket “complicated”, and use it a third time with Add Agent followers to have it add your Manager as a follower.

  9. When the Macro is complete, click Create.

When that Macro is applied to a ticket, the three actions you’ve stored will be done (in order).

You can apply a Macro from the reply box by selecting the rocket icon, or from the three dot Ticket Actions menu in the Ticket Header.

You will be asked to confirm the list of actions.

You can also choose to apply a Macro when replying to a Ticket, instead of setting a status.

The actions the Macro will apply are confirmed at the bottom of the reply box.

Of course, you can have the Macro change the status for you if required.

You can also apply a Macro to multiple Tickets at the same time by selecting them from the View Panel and using a Mass Actions.

Macro Actions Copy link to Macro Actions to clipboard

These are the actions you can add to a Macro:

  • Set Agent

  • Add Agent followers

  • CC Users - Add Users who will be copied in on Ticket Emails

  • Set Agent Team

  • Set status

  • Ticket pending status

  • Delete Ticket

  • Set Department

  • Set language

  • Set category

  • Set product

  • Set priority

  • Set workflow

  • Add labels

  • Remove labels

  • Add Organization Managers to Ticket

  • Set star

  • Increase/decrease urgency - Add or subtract the defined amount from urgency score (can’t go below 1 or above 10)

  • Set urgency - sets the urgency score to the value you enter; you can choose ‘Only set when urgency is lower’ (e.g. if the urgency is 8 and a ‘Set urgency to 7’ action runs, the urgency would remain 8) or ‘Always set this urgency’ (would set the urgency to 7 in that example)

  • Set subject

  • Add Ticket reply - adds text to the Ticket’s reply box. You can choose to ‘Append’ text (after anything you’re already entered), ‘Prepend’ text (before anything you’ve entered) or replace existing text.

  • Add reply from snippet

  • Set custom field (if your helpdesk has these)

  • Set custom User field (if your helpdesk has these)

  • Create a Task

  • Close Ticket tab

  • Run another Macro

Filtering Macros Copy link to Filtering Macros to clipboard

You can filter the list of Macros shown by typing into the Filter prompt at the top of the Macros list.

Type a few letters or a word to instantly display only Macros with names that contain what you entered.


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