In Channels > Twitter > Logs you can see all @mentions and DMs sent to and from your helpdesk.
For example:

- Date
The date and time messages were sent or received.
- Message ID
A messages unique ID
- User
The Deskpro ID of the user who sent the tweet or DM
- Agents
The Deskpro ID of the agent who sent the tweet or DM
- Status
The status of the tweet or DM, whether it is successfully sent
- Direction
If the tweet or DM was inbound (sent by user) or outbound (sent by agent)
- Type
If it was an @mention tweet or a DM
- From Handle
The handle of the account used to send the tweet or DM
- To Handle
The handle of the recipient of the tweet or DM
- Ticket
The ID of ticket that the tweet or DM was routed to
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