If you would like to configure Microsoft Office365 logins for users using OpenID Connect, the following guide will describe the process.
As you are unable to limit who has access to this application, we recommend only configuring OpenID Connect for User logins. Our SAML guide gives more control over access to your instance, so we recommend using that for Agent logins.
Creating the app in Deskpro
In your helpdesk, go to Admin > CRM > User Auth & SSO, then under Add Authentication, select OpenID Connect Authentication
Deskpro supports both OpenID and OpenID Connect authentication methods. The services are not compatible with each other. This guide is specifically for OpenID Connect.
Under Single Sign On Identity, enter an identifier. This can be anything, but is required to proceed.
You may also want fill out the Login Button Text field for testing.
Click Add to create the application.
Once the app is created, click Manage on the app, then Configuration Settings to display more options.
Copy the value of the Callback URL field.
Creating the app in Azure AD
Within your Azure AD account, select App Registrations then New Registration
Enter a name to identify the application, select the supported account types and for the Redirect URI, select the Web platform and paste your Callback URL in the URL field.
This should create the app and drop you into the Overview page, and we need 2 pieces of information from this page. First, make a note of the Application (client) ID
Then, select Endpoints at the top of the page, and make a note of the OpenID Connect metadata document address. Remove the
from the end of the URL.Select Certificates & secrets from the menu and generate a new secret. Make a note of the Secret Value.
Finally, select Authentication and check the ID tokens box under Implicit grant and hybrid flows.
Configuring the app in Deskpro
Back in Deskpro, select your app and click Manage and Configuration Settings to display the app configuration, and enter the information you collected from Azure AD into the application
Provider URL - The OpenID Connect metadata document address without
Client ID - The Application (client) ID
Client Secret - The Secret Value
Once the information is set, click Save
Activate the authentication method by toggling the switch, then head to your helpdesk to test. If you set the Button Text, there will be a new button under the login for your OpenID Connect auth method.
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