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Chatflow Interactions Explained

in Set up Deskpro Messenger
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Published: 21 Aug 2024|Last updated: 14 Jan 2025

Pass Conversation To Interactions:

This section of chatflow interactions provides you with the ability to pass your users on to configurable outcomes.

Pass to Bot

This interaction enables your users to have a conversation with Deskpro’s AI Chatbot. The guide on setting up AI Chatbot can be found here.

Pass to Agent

This interaction directs an end user to a conversation with an agent.

Here, an Admin can define which department the ticket is assigned to, and which agents the chat is routed to via a routing model (Round Robin, Round Robin w/ Option, Simulring, Least Utilised). A more detaile guide on setting up agent routing can be found here

Pass to Chatflow

This interaction directs an end user to another chatflow that has been configured (e.g.user picks an answer that they need help with billing and there is a separate chatflow for billing queries already built, then the user would be directed down the billing chatflow)

Bot Response Interactions:

This section of chatflow interactions provides you with the ability to configure responses that your chatbot can return to a user.


This interaction allows admins to configure what the chatbot is responding back to the end users. It can be used anywhere in the chatflow that requires a bot response to the user.


This interaction allows an admin to configure an image for a chatbot to return to a user. Once the user receives the image from the chatbot, the user can then download it to their own device if they choose.


This interaction allows admins to add an audio clip for the chatbot to return to a user. The audio clip has playback functionality that both a user and agent can interact with.


This interaction allows admins to add a file for the chatbot to return to a user. Both the agent and user can download and view the file in the message conversation view.


This interactions allows an admin to create a custom card that is returned to a user in the form of a message via the chatbot. It can be customised to include an image, title, description, and even URLs.

Embedded Content

This interaction allows admins to easily add embedded Youtube, Vimeo, or custom content that a chatbot returns to a user. To add embedded Youtube or Vimeo content, all an admin needs is the video ID from the video URL and Deskpro will show a preview of the video in the settings drawer to validate you have entered it correctly. An admin can also customize the Title and Description for Youtube and Vimeo content which appears in the widget when the chatbot sends it to a user. The embedded content has native Youtube and Vimeo playback functionality.

Custom HTML content is supported as well, however we recommend that the content width not exceed 290px for optimal usage.

Help Content

This interactions allows enables the chatbot to return selected Help Center content to a user. respond to user by sending them help content. Here, an admin can configure which HC articles to display for a specific flow and how it’s displayed in the widget (either in a list of articles or in a scroll-able carousel).

AI Search

This interaction allows users to ask the chatbot a question, and it then return a list of relevant Help Center articles using Deskpro’s AI Engine. The guide on setting up AI Search can be found here.

User Properties Interactions:

This section of chatflow interactions provides you with the ability to get identifying information from a user. Once a user submits a response, the data will then be added to the user’s CRM profile.


This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their name. The chatbot extrapolates it automatically applies it to a user profile.

Email address:

This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their email. The chatbot extrapolates it and automatically applies it to a user profile

Phone Number

This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their phone number. They will be prompted to select their country code to ensure compliance with the locale of your userbase. Once submitted, the chatbot extrapolates the data and automatically applies it to the user’s CRM profile.

Full Address

This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their address. In order to accommodate different international standards, the only required fields are the address line, city, and country. Once submitted, the chatbot extrapolates the data and automatically applies it to the user’s CRM profile.

User Input Interactions:

This section of chatflow interactions provides you with the ability to build user responses to the chatbot. The data user’s submit/enter is then visible in the ticket conversation view for an agent to gain context on a user’s request, even before they begin responding.

Email address:

This interaction provides a user an entry field to enter their email. As this is not an input from the User Properties section, the data submitted by a user will not update the CRM profile of the user.

Phone Number

This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their phone number. They will be prompted to select their country code to ensure compliance with the locale of your userbase. As this is not an input from the User Properties section, the data submitted by a user will not update the CRM profile of the user.

Full Address

This interaction provides a user an entry field to submit their address. In order to accommodate different international standards, the only required fields are the address line, city, and country. As this is not an input from the User Properties section, the data submitted by a user will not update the CRM profile of the user.


This interaction provides user an entry field to enter text. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.


This interaction provides you with a way for a user to select from a configurable list of options. This input allows the user to make a choice, without the need for the chatflow to branch off into a different chatflow path. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.

Date Time

This interaction provides user an entry field to either select a date only, or select and date and time. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.


This interaction provides user an entry field to enter numbers only. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.

File Upload

This interaction provides user an entry field to upload a file. The chatbot can then store that file in the chatflow history on the ticket.


This interaction provides user an entry field to select a Yes or No without the need for the chatflow to branch off into a different chatflow path. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.


This interaction provides user an entry field to enter a URL. The agent/user can click on the URL submitted and then be directed to it on the device’s browser. The chatbot can then store that information in the chatflow history on the ticket.

Branching Interactions:

This section of chatflow interactions allows you to split chatflow paths in different directions.


This interaction allows user to select from predefined list of choices presented by the chatbot. The chatbot will present defined options and branch the conversation flow based on the user’s response.

Go To:

This interaction allows an admin to connect nodes of interactions together to create chatflow paths that enable a user to have full interactions with branching interactions.

Coming Soon!

  • Logic Check and Variables for more advanced chatflows


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