The Settings area is where you can find the details of your Twilio account once it has been created. (See the Setting up Voice guide for more information).
Group missed calls and voicemails in the same Ticket - There may be certain situations where a User rings you multiple times, so multiple missed call or voicemail Tickets subsequently get created. If you would prefer for all missed call Tickets from the same User to be automatically grouped together, you can enable this setting. When enabled, all voicemails and missed calls from a single User during a period you specify are grouped together on a single Ticket.
Transcribe voicemail messages - This will insert a text version of the voicemail into the call record on a Ticket. If enabled, you are given the option to attach voicemail transcripts to Agent notification emails.
Attach voicemail audio to agent notification emails - When enabled the voicemail recording is included in the email notification sent to Agents.
Forwarding Machine Detection - This setting is applicable if any of your Agents have call forwarding enabled. This option incurs an extra fee when enabled. See Forwarding Machine Detection for more details about this.
Number to call from when forwarding calls to Agents - When an Agent is using call forwarding, choose whether the number they will see when their forwarding device rings is the number the user rang or another specific number you own.
Ring Time - Set how long (in seconds) Agents have to answer a call, before it goes to voicemail. This setting only applies to calls made directly to an Agent target or to an Agent's personal extension, not for queues which have their own settings.
Default department for Agent calls - For calls made directly to a specific Agent, choose which department the Voice tickets are automatically assigned to. If no department is selected here, the helpdesk default will be used. (The helpdesk default is set in Ticket Structure > Departments - under 'Default Departments', the Agent default will be used).
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