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Advanced Design Customization

in Help Center Design
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 19 Oct 2021

If you want to customize the Help Center more fully, you can apply a custom header/footer, use custom CSS or Javascript, or edit the template system which controls the layout and content of the Help Center.

These options enable you to dramatically alter the design of the Help Center to make it look like part of your website, however, using these options requires you to have basic web design/coding skills. If you are not familiar with HTML, CSS or Javascript, you will need to consult someone who is. Deskpro can provide consultancy about Help Center styling if required.

Page Layout & Design


  • The Edit Header and Edit Footer section allows you to add HTML content that will be displayed at the top or bottom of every Help Center page.

  • The Home section allows you to edit the home page template to add or remove elements from the main Help Center home page.

  • The CSS section allows you to enter custom style information using either CSS or the Sass CSS extension language (using SCSS syntax). Your custom CSS is appended to the main CSS stylesheet. Use this to override default styles or add custom styles.

You can also edit the HTML of specific pages or elements to customize your Help Center design even further. See  Editing Help Center Templates for more details on this.

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