OpenID Connect enables your agents and/or users to sign in to your helpdesk with a OpenID Connect account.
If you are using a SSO system like OpenID, you must make sure that your helpdesk is running with HTTPS. If you only use the option "Force HTTPS" without declaring the url with HTTPS the SSO will not work. To change the Helpdesk URL please go to Admin > Setup > Settings or follow the guide Enabling SSL
You can use any OpenID Connect supplier, we used for it's simplicity.
Visit and register for an account
Chose your domain and the region and click Next
Use your details on the account type and click Create Account.
Create a new application - Choose Regular Web Applications.
5- Open the App under the Settings tab. You will need some information to install the OpenID Connect app under Deskpro.
6- In Deskpro, under Agents > Auth & SSO click in OpenID Connect Authentication
The field SSO: Single Sign On Identity is just an identifier and be customized with no impact on the SSO.
You will have to supply the Provider URL, Client ID and Client Secret obtained in the Settings screen. If you are using manual login the Login Button Text has to be set as well. For more information on SSO options, please visit the guide Understanding SSO options
Now in side, you have to set the following fields:
* Allowed Callback URLs: Depending on your setup, you may need to add several URL's in this field. If the OpenID Connect is to be used both by Agents and Users, you will have to add both URL's (you need to setup both connectors). The url will vary depending if it is for Agent or Users:
Agent: https://yourhelpdeskdomain/api/v2/api_tokens/user_sources/{APP_ID}/callback/app
Users: https://yourhelpdeskdomain/login/authenticate-callback/{APP_ID}
The {APP_ID} represents the ID for the user source, as shown in the image below.
Allowed Web Origins: The domain or sub-domains where the requests will be originated. The HTTPS must be used for proper operation:
Allowed Logout URLs: A set of URLs that are valid to redirect to after logout from Auth0:
Allowed Origins (CORS): Allowed Origins are URLs that will be allowed to make requests from JavaScript to Auth0 API (typically used with CORS):
From the agent login screen you can now use the OpenID Connect button (or Automatic login)

You will be prompted to use the auth0 login, either with a Google account or any other you prefer to use
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