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Setup SMS

in SMS
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Published: 17 May 2022|Last updated: 23 May 2022

SMS allows Agents to send and receive messages within the Agent interface.

When a user messages your helpdesk for the first time, a ticket is created. Subsequent messages will be routed to this ticket unless:

  • The ticket is resolved, in which case a new ticket will be created if the user messages the helpdesk again.

  • The Agent sends the user a SMS on another ticket. Then the user’s response will be routed to that ticket.

Setting up SMS

Enabling the Feature

The first step is to enable the feature. To do this go to Admin > Channels > SMS and click “Activate”. Activation takes a few minutes, you can skip this step if Voice is already enabled on your helpdesk.

SMS is included with our software at no extra charge. You simply have to purchase a number and pay for sending messages.

Once you have enabled SMS in your Admin dashboard, go to Admin > Channels > SMS > Numbers to purchase your first number.

Adding Credit

To start using SMS, you will need to add credit to your account via the Billing area, in order for any SMS charges to be deducted from your account.

To purchase Service credit go to the Billing Area, follow the instructions and enter your card details. Then click Add Credit, set the amount of credit you wish to purchase. We recommend adding $5-10 initially. Once you have added the credit you can start sending messages.


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