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Creating Agents

in Creating Agents
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

You can see your existing Agents' information in the Agents > Agent Profiles section in the Admin Navigation Panel.

To quick add a new Agent you can use the + New button on the Agents page. Here you will be able to create a new agent and you will have full control of the new Agent's account properties and  Agent Permissions.


When you create a new Agent account for someone, they receive an email notification with their login details and the PDF format  Agent Quick Start Guide (a brief overview of how the Agent interface works) attached.

Agent Properties

You can define the following properties for each Agent on creation:

  • Name

  • Alias - Optional (this will be shown to Users instead of the Agent).

  • Email Addresses

  • Phone Number - This is used only for  How can I send automatic SMS notifications to agents? so must be a mobile/cellphone number.

  • Teams (Set membership of  Agent Teams).

  • Access (Whether the Agent has access to Admin and the Reports interface).

  • Permission Groups (Set membership of  Agent Permissions).

  • Timezone (Specify the Agent's local timezone).

  • Signature (Create a signature to be appended to the Agent's messages).


Agents can set their own name/override name, email and phone number themselves from the Preferences section in the Agent interface.

In the other tabs, you can set:

  • Permissions (Individual  Agent Permissions and their  Permission Groups.

  • Departments (Set which  Departments the Agent can use; see the section on  Department Permissions).

  • Notifications:

    • Control which email/browser notifications the Agent receives about tickets; by default, Agents can edit their notifications settings from the Preferences; you can remove their permission to do this if you prefer to control Agent notifications yourself.

    • Control which email/browser notifications the Agent receives about other helpdesk events like  Chat and tasks; Agents can always edit their own settings for these notifications.


If you are using a non-native authentication method there could potentially be additional steps so be sure to read the relevant guide.


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