Queue sets are the different sections of ticket queues that are visible in the agent interface. See in the screenshot below, My Inbox and Inbox the default queue sets in Deskpro as seen from the agent interface:

In the admin interface, queue sets are seen as a bold title, which can be closed when clicked on, and the contents of which can be mass selected with the check box next to the title.

The queue set that a queue belongs to can also be seen under the Queue Set title on the table.
You can also edit the name of the default queues by clicking the pen icon which will open the queue set editor drawer.
Creating a Queue Set
You can create custom queue sets if you need more than the default by clicking on the dropdown + New button and selecting New Set.
You will be asked to add a title which is the name that will be displayed in the agent interface.

You can move queues to a different queue set either by mass action or by editing the set and choosing a different set from the dropdown.

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