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Sentiment Detection

in AI Sentiment Detection
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Published: 2 Jul 2024|Last updated: 7 Aug 2024
Plan Requirements

You must be on a professional or enterprise plan to use Deskpro's AI features

Overview Copy link to Overview to clipboard

Deskpro's AI powered sentiment detection allows you the automatically monitor how customers are feeling on new tickets or even when a customer replies on a ticket. This enables issues within tickets to be automatically detected, helping Agents to prioritize tickets where a customer requires a prompt resolution.

If enabled Deskpro will classify the sentiment of a message from the following categories:

  1. Happy

  2. Interested

  3. Neutral

  4. Worried

  5. Upset

  6. Angry

When the sentiment of a customer message has been detected, the value will be added to the ticket.

Setting Up Sentiment Detection Copy link to Setting Up Sentiment Detection to clipboard

Note: Sentiment detection is only available to customers on a Professional or Enterprise plan and requires a valid AI connection

Supported Channels: Email and form tickets only

To start using Sentiment detection on your helpdesk

  1. Navigate to Admin>AI>Automations

  2. There are two main options that you can select when deciding when sentiment detection should run:

    Option 1 - Run on New Tickets: This automatically detects customer sentiment upon ticket creation. It helps your agents to prioritize and triage incoming tickets.

    Option 2 - Run on Ticket Replies: You can also enable the sentiment detection to be detected whenever a customer replies on a ticket, this can be used to monitor how a customer is feeling over the lifetime of each ticket. This helps you gauge satisfaction, monitor frustrated customers who might need extra attention, and track issues as they arise. Please note: As this will cause the sentiment to be detected on all ticket replies, this will make additional requests to your AI provider, which may incur additional costs.


Next Steps Copy link to Next Steps to clipboard

With sentiment detection set-up your agents can start to filter tickets by the sentiment and build out additional automations such as triggers, escalations and SLAs to run when a particular sentiment is detected.

next pageCreating an AI Data Source

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