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Introduction to Approvals

in Approvals
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

Approvals help Agents to streamline and record the Approval process - whether that is by gaining a User's permission or making internal company requests.

With Approvals, an Agent can generate a request manually with just a few clicks by clicking on the Approvals Tab in the Ticket Properties Pane.

Depending on how the approval template has been set up by the Admin, the Agent can select the Approvers or the Approvers can be pre-set. The Agent will have the option to add a description to accompany the request unless this has also been pre-set.


If a User applies for the Solar trial. The Agent handling the Ticket sees the User's request and decides that Managerial approval is required.

All the Agent needs to do is click on the Approvals tab on the Ticket Properties Pane, select the appropriate request template and submit the request for their Manager's consideration.


Once a request has been created, the Approver(s) are informed and the request is logged on the Ticket. To guarantee accountability, the log includes all vital information about the request and its current status.

The Approver, in this scenario would be the Agent's Manager, will be informed by Email about the pending request.

To ensure security, the Manager is required to log into either the Agent interface or the Help Center to respond to the request. Regardless of which method is used, the Manager can approve or reject the request and submit a text response explaining their reasoning if they wish.


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