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Satisfaction Survey

in Satisfaction
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

To help measure Agent performance, you can enable a Satisfaction Survey.

This will enable Users to submit a rating (Positive, Neutral or Negative) and an optional comment on each Agent Reply that they receive.

Go to Features > Satisfaction to enable the Survey and edit settings.

When the Survey is enabled, Users will be prompted to respond to the Survey in three possible ways:

  1. When they receive an Email from an Agent they will see an inline option to provide feedback.


  2. When they view an Agent reply on your Help Center they can provide feedback here.


  3. When a Ticket is resolved an Escalation will run to send an Email requesting feedback.



The Satisfaction Survey will not work if your Help Center is disabled. If you want to use the Survey, you must enable the Help Center.

If you don’t want to use the Help Center, disable all the sections in the Help Center except Knowledgebase, and add an article explaining that all your support is by Email. That way, even if a User finds the Help Center, they can’t use any of the Help Center functions.


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