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Importing User, Organization and Ticket CSV Data

in Importing Data
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Published: 13 Dec 2023|Last updated: 1 Oct 2024

If you have lots of existing user, organization and ticket data in a CSV format that you would like to quickly import into your helpdesk, you can use our in-built CSV importer.

You can only import data in CSV format encoded in UTF-8. You need to make sure that file contains a header row with the user/organization/ticket properties listed.


The Users import will allow you to import User and Organization data simultaneously, the Organizations import will only accept Organization data.

1. Uploading your CSV file Copy link to 1. Uploading your CSV file to clipboard

  1. Navigate to Admin > Data > Importer Image showing the UI for the Deskpro CSV Importer

  2. Select the Import Now button next to the Users/ Organizations/Tickets label

  3. Click on the Choose a file button and select the desired user CSV file you wish to import (alternatively you can drag and drop the file).

Image showing the drawer menu with a button to upload a CSV file

2. Select Update Mode Copy link to 2. Select Update Mode to clipboard

The update mode lets you determine how you would like the data to be added to your Deskpro account. These modes include:

  • Skip (default): If the user already exists in your Deskpro Helpdesk the row will be skipped otherwise a new user will be created. (In the output log, this will be noted as being skipped)

  • Update missing values: For each CSV row, only the values that do not already exist will be inserted. e.g. If we are updating a user & have an email address mapped but the user already has an email, the field will be ignored. If the user did not already have an email address, the value in the CSV would be inserted.

  • Update all mapped: All values that are mapped will be updated. If the row being imported has an empty value for a mapped field, it will be overwritten as a Empty value.

  • Replace all values: All importable properties will be updated. Any fields that are either not mapped or contain an empty value will be overwritten to Empty values.

3. Data Formatting & Mapping Copy link to 3. Data Formatting & Mapping to clipboard

If your CSV file contains headers ensure that the My data has headers box is selected. This allows Deskpro to automatically recognize and map the data to similar Deskpro fields, making the process faster.

You can map your data to both predefined and custom fields within your helpdesk. To do so click on the dropdown menu next to the field you would like to import. Several fields expect the data to be in a specific format which should be checked prior to starting a new import, these can be found in the mapping tables below.

Image showing the dropdown menu used to map CSV data to a field in your helpdesk

a) Mapping to predefined user fieldsCopy link to a) Mapping to predefined user fields to clipboard

The table below details the predefined user fields that have specific format requirements.

User Field

Requirements (If provided)

Primary Email (primary identifier)

Must be a valid email address format or the entry will be skipped. If a user with the same email already exists in your helpdesk, the existing user will be updated.

Email (primary identifier)

Must be a valid email address format or the field will be skipped. If a user with the same email already exists in your helpdesk, the existing user will be updated.


If provided this must be at least 7 characters, contain NO spaces and be prefixed with a country code e.g. +447700900315

First Name


Last Name




Title Prefix


Is Agent

Must be either 1, true, on or yes to be evaluated to true, anything else will be imported as false

Is Admin

Must be either 1, true, on or yes to be evaluated to true, anything else will be imported as false


Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.


If provided the value will be hashed. Note: we do not currently support importing already hashed passwords, if no password is defined we will automatically generate one for each user.

Primary Organization

Must use the ID of an organization that already exists within your helpdesk.


If the organization does not exist within your helpdesk (organization name or ID), a new organization will be created. You can map to multiple organization fields per user. If ‘Primary Organization’ is not mapped the first Organization will be set as primary.

Organization Position

Only one organization position can be ‘mapped-to’ per user. If multiple are provided the first will be used.


Must match the locale code/ name of a language that you have already installed within your Deskpro helpdesk otherwise it will be set to None during the import. Deskpro currently support 40 different languages that you can install to your helpdesk, see our list of supported language locale codes. Supported Languages & Locale Codes


Must match the ID, name or slug of an existing brand you have configured within your Deskpro account.


Can accept an address that contains commas e.g. "35 Old Street, London, W1 5DX”. If the user already has an address with the same label that previous entry will be updated, otherwise, a new entry will be made.

Address City


Address State


Address Zip


Address Country


Address Label



Must match the ID or title of an existing usergroup you have configured within your Deskpro account.

b) Mapping to predefined organization fieldsCopy link to b) Mapping to predefined organization fields to clipboard

The table below details the predefined organization fields that have specific format requirements.

Organization Field

Requirements (If provided)

Name (primary identifier)

If an organization with the same name already exists in your helpdesk, the existing organization will be updated.


Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times


Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.


Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Address - Street

Required if importing an address. Can accept a singular option that contains commas e.g. “12, Long Clos, Downing Street”) you can only map 1 address street per org.

Address - City

You can only map 1 city per org.

Address - State/ Province

You can only map 1 state per org.

Address - ZIP/ Postal Code

Required if importing an address. You can only map 1 ZIP code per org.

Address - Country/ Region

You can only map 1 Country code per org.

Social - Twitter

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - LinkedIn

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Facebook

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Facebook Messenger

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Signal

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Skype

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Snapchat

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - WeChat

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - ICQ

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Line

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Viber

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Telegram

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.

Social - Other

Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times.


If provided this must be at least 7 characters, contain NO spaces and be prefixed with a country code e.g. +447700900315

c) Mapping to predefined ticket fieldsCopy link to c) Mapping to predefined ticket fields to clipboard

The table below details the predefined ticket fields that have specific format requirements.


Only singular messages are currently supported for both user and agent message fields

Ticket Field

Requirements (If provided)

Ref (primary identifier)

If an existing ticket with the same Ref exists within your helpdesk, it will be updated, otherwise a new ticket will be created. Max 100 characters. Only accepts a single value. (This is not the ticket ID)


Max 255 characters. Only accepts a single value.


Must match either "Awaiting Agent", "Awaiting User", "Pending" or "Resolved". If the status does not match one of the predefined options it will be set to "Awaiting Agent".


Must match either the name or ID of a Department that already exists in your helpdesk. No matching Department is found, the department with the lowest ID will be assigned by default.


Can accept multiple comma separated values or be mapped to multiple times. Max 200 characters per label.

User Message Text

Requires an Owner to also be mapped and you can only map 1 user message per ticket. Max 10,000 characters.

User Message HTML

Requires an Owner to also be mapped and you can only map 1 user message per ticket. Max 10,000 characters. If a User Message is also mapped, that value will be used instead.

Owner (User)

Must be either the ID or the email address of an existing user. If an email is provided and it does not exist, a new user will be created and assigned to this ticket. Only 1 user can be assigned per ticket.

Agent Message Text

Requires an Agent to also be mapped. You can only map 1 agent message per ticket.

Agent Message HTML

Requires an Agent to also be mapped. You can only map 1 agent message ticket. If an Agent Message is also mapped, that value will be used instead.


Must match either the ID or the email of an existing agent. Only 1 agent can be assigned per ticket.

Agent Team

Must be either the ID or the name of an existing agent team. Only accepts a single value.


Requires an Agent to also be mapped. You can only map 1 note per ticket.

Date (Ticket creation date)

Must use a format of “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss”. Only accepts a single value. If not provided it will use the time the import is run.

When importing tickets using the CSV importer, the following ticket fields are automatically assigned default values.

Predefined Ticket Field

Default Assigned Import Value



d) Mapping to previously configured custom fieldsCopy link to d) Mapping to previously configured custom fields to clipboard

If you would like to create or manage custom user fields within Deskpro, navigate to Admin > CRM > Fields > User Fields. If you would like to create or manage custom organization fields within your helpdesk, navigate to Admin > CRM > Fields > Organization Fields.

The table below details the requirements when mapping to custom fields that you have previously defined.

Custom Field Type

Requirements (If provided)

Existing Custom Field (Single Line Text/ Multi-line Text)

Can accept multiple comma separated values

Existing Custom Field (Single Select)

Can accept a singular option that contains commas e.g. “12 Downing Street, London”). If the select option already exists on the custom field it will be assigned to the user/org/ticket, otherwise a new option will be created.

Existing Custom Field (Multi-select)

Can accept multiple comma separated options. Mapped data containing commas will be treated as a separate options e.g. “Option1, Option 2, Option 3”. If each option already exists within the custom field it will be assigned to the user/org/ticket, otherwise a new option will be created.

Existing Custom Field (Date Field)

Can accept Date or Date time items in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" If a time is provided it will be stripped and set to "00:00:00" UTC during import.

Existing Custom Field (Date Time Field)

Can accept Date or Date time items in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" If no time is provided the time will be set to "00:00:00" UTC during import.

e) Creating New Custom FieldsCopy link to e) Creating New Custom Fields to clipboard

If you have a field that you would like to import into Deskpro that does not match one of the predefined Deskpro variables or a custom field that you have previously defined, you can create a new custom field during import to map the CSV data to.


New Custom Select and Multi-line Text fields cannot currently be created directly during import and need to be configured under the CRM section of your helpdesk prior to starting an import.

  1. Click on the + (Plus) icon and select the type of your custom field to be ‘Single-line Text’ field.

  2. You can use the automatically mapped name or create a custom name for the field.

  3. If you would like to remove the mapping of the custom field, press the Delete icon

Image showing the form used to create a new custom field during a CSV import

4. Starting an Import Copy link to 4. Starting an Import to clipboard

Once all your data fields you would like to import have been mapped you can click the Continue button and the import process will be started. Once an import has started a progress bar will be displayed and you will NOT be able to start a new CSV import until the process has completed.

(please note that it can take several minutes for an import to complete).

Image showing the loading bar present once a scan started and the buttons to start a new scan are disabled

5. Import History Copy link to 5. Import History to clipboard

After an import has been completed you are able to see a summarized history report detailing the items that were imported successfully, updated, skipped or failed to import along with a downloadable log file to provide specific details for each item within the CSV file, helping you identify where errors have occurred.

Image showing the import history table that is displayed once an import is complete.


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Pages in Importing User, Organization and Ticket CSV Data

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Published: 13 Dec 2023
Last updated: 13 Dec 2023
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