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Approval Types

in Approvals
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

The Approvals feature grants you the option to quickly and easily link your Approval processes to a Ticket. Whilst creating these templates, you can also set Triggers that are specific to each stage of the Approval, to add in some automation.

This guide will show how as an Admin you can create these Approvals for future and repeat use.

Your first step should be creating at least one Approval Type. Approval Types consist of a Name and Description, for example, an Approval type could be named 'Application to Solar Trial' or 'HR' and the description can provide more details if needed. Types are used to categorize the approval templates.

It is important that you create an Approval Type before making any Approval Templates as each Approval Template has a mandatory Approval Type field.

To create an Approval Type:

  1. Go to Features > Approvals > Types.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Name the Approval Type.

  4. Add a description.

  5. Click Save.


Once you have created an Approval Type you will be able to edit, or delete it.


You will not be able to delete an Approval Type while there are Templates associated with it. You will need to alter the associated Templates, before you can delete the Type.

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