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Installing Languages

in Languages and Locales
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 10 Nov 2023

Deskpro has support for many international languages. At Configuration > Languages & Locales you can see:

  • Installed languages - your default language will be marked with a blue line.

  • Other available (and therefore installable) languages.


The level of translation support varies, as indicated by the top blue bar: most language packs currently have translations for Help Center and User Emails text (Help Center and Emails) only. Some additionally translate the Agent and Admin interfaces (and Agent notification Emails).

Deskpro records the language of both Tickets and Users.

The language of a Ticket is determined based on text character set. Users can pick their preferred language (from those you have installed) when they are logged in to the Help Center, using the language selection control at the top right hand of the interface.

Agents can change a User’s Language from within the Agent interface, using the Properties section of the User record.


Changing a User’s language will change the language in which they view the Help Center, Tickets and Email notifications.

If the language for a Ticket or User cannot be determined (e.g. the User has not yet logged in), the helpdesk default will be used.

Installing New Languages

Installing a supported language is easy. Just go to the Available tab, click on the language you want to install, then click Install.

After you’ve installed the language, you can click on it to view its settings.


If you want to make sure you support as many languages as possible, install every language pack, then click Settings & Tools at the bottom of the page and select Automatically install new languages.

You can select which flag to display for each language. This is useful if the language you’ve installed is used in multiple countries, but your customers who speak that language will mainly come from one particular country.


Translating Names of Custom Values

For a full translation, you will need to provide the translated terms for any custom values you have entered:

  • Department Names (Ticket & Chat)

  • Products

  • Ticket Priorities

  • Feedback Statuses

  • Feedback Types

  • Knowledgebase Categories

  • Ticket Fields

  • Person (User) Fields

For example, if you have enabled French, Deskpro won’t know the correct French name for your ‘Returns’ department, so you have to enter it.

  1. Click on your newly-installed language to view detailed settings.

  2. Click the Edit Translation button and on the following page you will see the phrases and multiple tabs with different phrases to edit.

  3. In each Tab section, click on each item in the Translated column, enter a translation into the new language and click Save.

  4. Repeat until you have translated all your custom values.

Editing User Interface Phrases

Almost all of Deskpro’s interface text (including text used in notification Emails) is stored as Help Centre UI which can be edited through Configuration > Phrase Translation. This applies even if you only have one language installed.

You can enter a custom version of any phrase to change the User-facing text. You can use this to fix translation problems, or to rewrite User-facing text in your Organization’s style.

To change a phrase in any of our language packs:

  1. Find the phrase you want to change in Phrase Translation.

  2. Click on the phrase you'd like to translate and edit it by clicking on the edit pen from the Customized column.

  3. Make sure you save this by clicking on  Save at the bottom of your screen.

The Template system, used to define the Help Center and notification Emails, determines where each phrase is shown.

For example, look at Channel > Email > Templates. In all the templates, the body of the Email begins:

{{ phrase('user.emails.greeting') }} copy

This tells Deskpro to insert the user.emails.greeting phrase automatically at the beginning of every email.

If you wanted to change how you greet your Users, you could enter a custom version of user.emails.greeting:

See the section on Editing Templates for more information.

Translating Help Center Welcome Section

You can provide localized versions of the gray Welcome area text on your Help Center using the Twig template language.

For example:

{% if app.user.language.sys_name == 'default' %} default language {% elseif app.user.language.sys_name == 'swedish' %} swedish content {% elseif app.user.language.sys_name == 'german' %} german content {%endif%} copy

Changing Default Language

Simply select an installed language from the Default Language pulldown to change the default language.

From Settings & Tools, you can apply mass updates to Tickets or Users. This is useful if you want to apply a new language to Users who have not explicitly picked a language.

For example, suppose you know that most of your Users speak Russian and you have been evaluating Deskpro with only English installed, during which time many Users have registered.

Once you install Russian, instead of changing Users one by one, you could just update all ‘no language’ Users to Russian:

Any Users who haven’t explicitly selected English as their language now have their language set to Russian.

Agent Interface Language Setting

If a language has Agent support, Agents can select which language they wish to use from their Preferences in the Agent interface.

You can’t change an Agent’s language from the Admin interface, except by logging in as the Agent.

If you have other translation requirements, please contact us at

next pagePhrase Translation

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