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Snippet Management

in Snippets
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Published: 18 Feb 2022|Last updated: 30 Sept 2022

Snippets are pre-written responses which can be quickly inserted into the reply box. They are a way to avoid typing the same standardized responses over and over again.

You can use a snippet to automatically insert a piece of rich text, including images, attachments and links.

As an admin you casn manage the snippets available in your helpdesk in Admin > Features > Snippets

Snippet Categories

Snippets can be organised within categories.

As well as using the categories to group similar snippets together to provide structure we can also use them to define who can access that set of snippets.

Creating Snippet Categories

To create a snippet category go to Admin > Features > Snippets > Snippet Categories and click on the +New button in the top right:


For each category we can define three elements:

  1. Name - The category title displayed in Deskpro.

  2. Parent Category - Would we like the category to be a child of another category (if not leave as None).

  3. Category Access - Here we can define who can access the snippets in this category. The options are: i. Global - Everyone will be able to access the published snippets in ths category. ii. Specific Teams - Members of the teams selected in the checkbox menu will have access to the snippets in this category.


Once the category is created agents with the correct permissions will be able to add snippets to it.

Editing Snippet Categories

To edit an existing snippet category click on the pencil on the right hand side of the category you want to edit (it will show when you hover on the row):


Here you can edit the same options that were defined on category creation.

Note that you will also see a list of the snippets contained within the category here:


Snippet Category Mass Actions

You can bulk edit the category permissions (this may be useful if you add a new team to Deskpro and you want to give the new team access to a number of categories).

To do this check the boxes next to the categories you want to addremove the permissions for on the snippet categories page.

Then click Action > Change Team > Add/Remove Team


You will then be given the option to select a team to add/remove the category permissions for:



You can create and manage snippets in the Admin area of Deskpro in Admin > Featres > Snippets > Snippets

There are seperate tabs for your published, draft and archived snippets.

Creating and Editing Snippets

To create a new snippet click on the +New button in the top right of the snippets page:


Here you can create a snippet. The process is very similar to the process for an agent. There are a couple of additional options for admins though.

You will need to add the following properties for the snippet:

  1. Name  - Enter a title for the Snippet. This is to describe what the Snippet is about and will not affect the inserted text.

  2. Status - Set whether the snippet is publically available with the draft or published status. Note admins also have the option to set the status to Archived for snippets that are no longer in use.

  3. Privacy - Enable if you want the snippet to be available to a single agent or a group of agents.

  4. Ownership (private) - If private agent snippet is enabled set the Agent who owns the snippet. Note agents can only set this to themselves.

  5. Category - If private agent is disabled set the category the snippet should belong to. This will manage who can access the snippet

  6. Shortcut Code - Add an easy shortcut code which can be used to quickly insert a particular Snippet directly from the reply box.

  7. Translations - Select the language of the snippet.

  8. Reply Add the cop for the snippet


Then hit create and the snippet will be added to your list.

To edit an exiting snippet simply find it in the list and click into it. Here you can edit the properties added on creation.

Deleting Snippets

To delete a snippet hover over the row and you'll see a waste paper bin icon appear on the right hand side of the row. Click on this to delete the snippet.


You can also bulk delete snippets using the mass actions option.

Select the snippets you'd like to delete with the checkboxes on the left side of the row. Then click Action > Delete


You will then be asked to confirm the deletion.


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