Approval Template settings decide how an Approval will be applied to the Ticket. You can create as many Approval Templates as needed for your different Approval processes.
To create an Approval Template in the Admin Interface go to Features > Approvals > Templates and click + New.
You will then need to define the following:
Template Name
Approval Type
Set Approval description - Optional, if you set a description on the Template Agents will not be able to overwrite it manually when submitting an Approval, and leaving this blank will allow the Agent to add in their own description.
People - Select Approvers
To Approve - The number of positive responses required to pass an Approval.
To Reject - The number of negative responses required to fail an Approval.
Allow Approvers to view the ticket - Optional, when enabled it allows Approvers to view tickets that they would not be able to view. If this is not enabled the Approver will only have the Approval description for context.

Setting Approvers on a Template
There are two options for this field, you can either:
Define the Specific Approver/s for this Template.
Select a list of possible Approvers that the Agent can choose from while setting applying the Approval to the ticket.
Approval Template Triggers
On the Triggers tab, you can determine what actions should run at each stage of the Approval process. The default action at each stage is to send an email notification to the Approvers, you can disable this function if you wish. You can customize the email notifications by using the template editor.
Request Created
Partial Approval Response - When approved by one Approver on an Approval with multiple Approvers.
Partial Rejection Response - When rejected by one Approver on an Approval with multiple Approvers.
Request Approved
Request Rejected
Request Canceled - When Approval canceled by an Agent.
Specify Approvers - Define the Specific Approver/s for this Template
It is important to note that you can only use Approvals in Triggers and Macros if you have preset Specific Approvers.

While making your selection of Approvers, you can select the pre-defined groups (Ticket User, Organization Manager & All Agents), or search to find specific Approvers in People, who can be Agents or CRM Users.
Both methods can be used in unison and any Users who have already been selected will not appear in the search field to prevent duplicate selection. For example, if you select the 'All Agents' option you will not be able to see any Agents names in the search field.

If Organization Manager is selected, and the User's Organization has multiple Managers, all are able to respond and approve or reject the Approval.
We strongly recommend you assume there is only one Organization Manager when defining the 'To approve' and 'To reject criteria'. This is to avoid a Template that requires more motions to approve than there are Users who are able to perform this action.
If you are letting the Agent choose the Approvers, there is one extra step. Which is setting the Number of approvers the Agent must select before submitting the Approval. This must be carefully set, with the To Approve and To Reject fields taken into account.
The purpose of this field is to only allow the Agent to choose so many Approvers from the list you have provided and ensure only the relevant people are involved. However, it is possible to set the Number of Approvers below the amount of Approvals needed to pass the process, or Rejections needed to fail, in the To Approve and To Reject fields below.
If the Number of Approvers is too low then the Agent will not be able to select enough Approvers to complete the Approval process.

Deleting a Template
As the Admin, you can delete a Template at any time, but before doing so we advise you check to see if the Template is being by used any automations. When a Template is deleted it does not affect the Templates that are applied to Tickets and still pending. These Approvals will be able to run to completion.
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