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Queue Permissions

in Queues
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Published: 16 Jun 2022

You can define who can view specific queues through the queue permissions.

Queue Permissions.png


Agent Permission lets you individually choose which Agents can view the queue from a dropdown, or you can search them by name.

Agent queue permission.png

To remove an agent, simply hover over them and click on the bin icon.


Global queues will be displayed on the navigation panel for all agents in the helpdesk.

Permission Group

This lets you define who can view the queue by agent's permission groups. You can add multiple permission groups and to remove them just click the cross that appears next to the group.


Team queues allow you to add a queue that is specific to certain teams in the heldpesk, you can add multiple teams and remove them by clicking the cross next to the team's name.

Having team queues enables you to have a specific conditional list of tickets just for certains teams which can help them to find the tickets they need faster.

Team queue permissions.png

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