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Creating a Brand

in Brands
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Published: 24 Sept 2021|Last updated: 19 Oct 2021

Creating a Brand Copy link to Creating a Brand to clipboard

Deskpro makes it easy for you to set up multiple brands that operate through one helpdesk, each with it's own individual customer-facing Help Center.

You can set up a new brand by going to Configuration > Branding > Add New Brand.


Fill out the basic details about the brand; the new brand name, favicons, logos, a website name and URL, and a Help Center name and slug, or URL if you wish to run your Help Center off a custom domain.



When creating a second brand, you have the option of using a custom domain or keeping the same main domain and using a branded slug to differenciate between your brands. Check out the section about Custom Domains for more detail.

Creating a New URL: Copy link to Creating a New URL: to clipboard

The process for creating a new URL for your brands varies depending on your deployment type:

Cloud Accounts:

For Cloud Accounts, you will need to set up a CNAME for your URL, which works as an alias to map your hostname onto a Deskpro hostname. This would ensure that anyone accessing your Help Center through the subdomain would be pointed to the main Deskpro URL whilst displaying your custom URL.


If you wanted your Support Team to have a custom URL of the CNAME you set up would map this hostname onto your default Deskpro URL

On-Premise Accounts:

For On-Premise, you need to edit your DNS so that an additional brand domain will point to the same host as your Deskpro one. Then you will need to edit your web server so that it routes your domain to the same place as your Deskpro one.


If you have one instance of Deskpro on a web server with an IP address, then you will already have a domain name from your main helpdesk with a DNS that points to and a web server that operates on

When you add another brand, you will need to ensure your second domain name also points to the IP address and ensuring your web server is set up to route request from your other domain to Deskpro.

This will form the custom URL for your brand which you can use to preview your Help Center and allows you to have a custom domain for your brand.

Once you save your new brand it will appear alongside your main helpdesk on a dashboard under the Branding section of your helpdesk.


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