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Meta App Review Template - Self-Managed (On-Premise)

in Facebook
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Published: 24 Jan 2023|Last updated: 24 Jan 2023

PrerequisitesCopy link to Prerequisites to clipboard

  1. App set up in Meta Developers Dashboard, following Self-Managed App instruction

  2. Meta App set up in Deskpro instance (following same instructions)

  3. Create a Facebook Test User in Meta Developers as shown here

  4. You will require screen recordings demonstrating the use of your Meta App in Deskpro.


Please see the Admin Notes in the ‘Individual Permissions Explained’ section below which will provide links to examples of the screen recordings you will require. These notes should be excluded when submitting the App Review and are just add as guidance.

IntroductionCopy link to Introduction to clipboard

In order to set the Meta App in Live Mode, Facebook reviewers will need to confirm that the App meets their usage requirements. This template will help you to accelerate the review process providing reviewers with the correct technical information for each permission required.

Please make sure that the App is set in ‘Development’ mode prior to review submission. This is only applicable to Apps that have not been reviewed previously and granted advanced permissions.

Permissions requestedCopy link to Permissions requested to clipboard

The below permissions need to be requested for Advanced Access from the Permissions and Features Section in your Meta For Developers App Dashboard. This section can be accessed from the following link:[YOUR_APP_ID]/app-review/permissions/

None: Please replace [YOUR_APP_ID] in the link above with your App ID

Request permissions:

  1. email (review not required)

  2. public_profile (review not required)

  3. Business asset user profile access

  4. Human Agent

  5. pages_show_list

  6. pages_manage_metadata

  7. pages_messaging

Testing your App in development modeCopy link to Testing your App in development mode to clipboard

You can send test messages from your Facebook Page to Deskpro whilst in ‘Development Mode’. This functionality is restricted to users that have a role in your Meta Developers Role section of your App. Users with ‘Administrator’, ‘Developer’ or ‘Tester’ roles can send Messenger messages from your Facebook Page.

When you add your App to Deskpro, please select the App Test ModeI checkbox in the available Meta App drawer. You can deselect this option once your App is Live.

The following link explains how to set up Roles for your Meta App:

Meta App review linksCopy link to Meta App review links to clipboard

Meta Review Request template Copy link to Meta Review Request template to clipboard

Provide Verification DetailsCopy link to Provide Verification Details to clipboard

Deskpro OnPrem test site - Access to our system:

URL: [Deskpro client URL]

User: [Deskpro test user with permission to access tickets and admin]

Password: [Deskpro test user password]

Facebook Test User - Access to FB

User: [Facebook test user email]

User ID: [Facebook test user ID]

Password: [Facebook test user password]


Our system is able to receive Messenger messages via a FB Page and to respond to them within the FB time constraints.

To enable communication between a Page and our system, you will need to set up the page first in our Admin section.

Test instructions:


To see how the following permissions are used in our App:



  1. Log into FB ( with the FB User provided.

  2. Create a test page, if you haven't got one already.

  3. Once your page is created, add a 'Send message' button to the page so we can send a message later.

  4. Now that we have a FB Page, proceed to access our system [Deskpro client URL]/app with the details provided in the 'Deskpro onPrem test site' section (above)

  5. Using the left-hand side navigation, go to Admin > Channels > Messenger > Pages (or alternatively use the following link: [Deskpro client URL]/app#/admin/social-channels/facebook-messenger/pages)

  6. On the top right-hand side you will see a button 'Connect Page'. Click the button and select the App available on the pop up window.

  7. You will be redirected to Facebook to select your available pages. Make sure that you are logged in (to FB) with the provided FB Test User.

  8. From the list provided, select the page that you created in point #2

  9. Accept all permissions, continue and finish the process by clicking the OK button on the last page. You will be redirected to our Admin page and the new page should display.

Permissions explained:


We use this permission to be able to subscribe pages to our App and to be able to receive Webhooks in order to digest messages sent from Messenger


We use this permission to list the available pages for the logged in user in our Admin area. We require this permission to connect our system to a specific page managed by the logged Facebook user.


To see how the following permissions are used in our App:



Business Asset User Profile Access

Human Agent

  1. Access your FB Page

  2. Click on the button 'Message' to send a Messenger message via your page.

  3. Access our system ([Deskpro client URL]/app), and navigate to Tickets (top icon bubble with 3 dots)

  4. From the left-hand side navigation, select 'Unassigned' from the INBOX list (Or go to [Deskpro client URL]/app#/list and select 'Unassigned' from the left-hand side menu). You should see a new ticket which was originated on your page

  5. Click on the newly created ticket. You will see the message on the ticket thread.

  6. At the bottom of the page, select the 'Facebook Messenger' tab to open the reply box.

  7. User profile information is used in our interface (Ticket Subject, message thread and the Facebook Messenger reply box) to provide our human agents with relevant profile information to personalise our communications and to offer our customers dedicated support.

  8. Write a reply message and click the button 'Add as Awaiting agent'. You will only be able to send messages within the first 24 hours from the last inbound message or once within a 7 day window after the first 24 hours have passed (Use of HUMAN_AGENT tag)

Permissions explained:


We use this permission to be able to send support messages to our customers. We only send messages to those users that have engaged in conversation with us within the last 24 hours and only to the specific page which they engaged with.


We use this permission to be able to subscribe pages to our App and to be able to receive Webhooks in order to digest messages sent from Messenger.

Business Asset User Profile Access:

We require this permission to provide our human agents with relevant user profile information to personalise our communications and to offer our customers dedicated support.

Human Agent:

Our Support System is only managed by real humans. Since some messages can come in outside working hours, the Human Agent permission allows us to respond to users if they message us at the weekend or if the issue is deemed as low priority and is actioned past the initial 24 hour window.

On an existing message thread, when the agent hasn't replied within the first 24 hour window from the last inbound message, we allow them to send a single reply within a further window of 7 days. At this point, our system will send the tag HUMAN_AGENT and prevent any further replies from our agent until a further inbound message is received.

Individual Permissions ExplainedCopy link to Individual Permissions Explained to clipboard

Business Asset User Profile AccessCopy link to Business Asset User Profile Access to clipboard

We use this permission to query the user profile fields available using their PSID. We perform this query when we receive an inbound message from the Facebook Page. The following fields are included in our query:

  • name

  • first_name

  • last_name

User profile information is used in the Ticket Subject, message thread and the Facebook Messenger reply box used by our human agents. This permission enhances our app functionality by providing our Human agents with important information about the person initiating the conversation from the Facebook page.

User profile provides our human agents with relevant information to personalise our communications and to offer our customers dedicated support.

Please note: our screen recording includes an E2E process from installing the page in our system (showing the requested permissions) to sending a message from the Facebook page and receiving it in our system. The use of 'Business asset user profile access' and 'user_profile' can be seen from minute X onwards


Admin Note: In place of X, add the minute when the profile info can be seen.

Upload an End to End screen recording, showing installing the Facebook Page from Deskpro (which includes the requested permissions). This recording should also include sending a message from the Facebook page and receiving it in Deskpro, in the Tickets section, under the ‘Unassigned’ Inbox list. Show the received message and where the Facebook User profile information can be seen.

Check out our example Video 1 - End to End Screen Recording for additional support with this step.

pages_manage_metadataCopy link to pages_manage_metadata to clipboard

We use this permission to be able to subscribe pages to our App and to be able to receive Webhooks in order to digest messages sent from Messenger. This will provide our admin users the ability to set up pages in the system so our users are able to contact our services for support.


Admin Notes: Upload a screen recording showing adding a Page to your Meta App in Deskpro. Channels > Messenger > Apps. It should show the full process of adding a page.

Check out our example Video 2 - Adding a Page to your Meta App in Deskpro for additional support with this step.

pages_show_listCopy link to pages_show_list to clipboard

We use this permission to list the available pages for the logged in user in our Admin area. We require this permission to connect our system to a specific page managed by the logged Facebook user.


Admin Note: Upload a screen recording showing adding a Page to your Meta App in Deskpro. Channels > Messenger > Apps. It should show the full process of adding a page. You can use the same video used in ‘pages_manage_metadata’.

Check out our example Video 2 - Adding a Page to your Meta App in Deskpro for additional support with this step.

pages_messagingCopy link to pages_messaging to clipboard


We use this permission to be able to send support messages to our customers. We only send messages to those users that have engaged in conversation with us within the last 24 hours and only to the specific page which they engaged with.

Step by Step. Test and reproduce the functionality of the integration:

Note: You will need to set up a page in our system following the instructions in the App Verification Details instructions. Please use that page to message our system.

  1. Go to the FB Page previously created by the FB Test user

  2. Click on 'Message' to open the dialog window

  3. Send a message

  4. Access our Deskpro system on the URL and log in with the Deskpro test user provided for our system (see App Verification Details)

  5. From the left-hand side navigation, go to Tickets ([Deskpro client URL]/app#/list) and click on INBOX / 'unassigned' to reveal the most recent unassigned inbound messages. You should see your new message on the list.

  6. Open the message by clicking on the title

  7. On the opened ticket, click on the 'Facebook Messenger' tab at the bottom of the screen to reveal the reply box which allows you to message back.

  8. Write a reply message and click 'Add as Awaiting agent'


Admin Notes: Upload a screen recording showing the above process, from the Facebook Page to Deskpro and back (agent reply).

human_agentCopy link to human_agent to clipboard

Value to our System:

Our Support System is only managed by real humans. Since some messages can come in outside working hours, the Human Agent permission allows us to respond to users if they message us at the weekend or if the issue is deemed as low priority and is actioned past the initial 24 hour window.

Use of the permission HUMAN_AGENT:

On an existing message thread, when one of our agents hasn't replied within the first 24 hour window from the last inbound message, we allow them to send a single reply within a further window of 7 days. At this point, our system will send the tag HUMAN_AGENT and prevent any further replies until a further inbound message is received.

You will need to have a last inbound FB message in our system that is older than 24 hours.

  1. Access our Deskpro system on the URL provided and log in with the Deskpro test user provided

  2. From the left-hand side navigation, go to Tickets ([Deskpro client URL]#/list) and click on INBOX / unassigned to reveal the unassigned messages. Click on the message that was sent from FB previously (at least 24 hours ago, your last message sent when testing pages_messaging 24 hours ago)

  3. On the opened ticket, click on the 'Facebook Messenger' tab at the bottom of the screen to reveal the reply box which allows you to message back within the 7 day window.

  4. Write a message and click 'Add as Awaiting agent'

  5. You should not be able to send further messages until a new inbound message is received by our system


Admin Notes: Upload a screen recording showing the above process, from Deskpro and back (user reply from Facebook Page). Note that the last inbound message in Deskpro must be at least 24 hours old. Once you reply and receive a further inbound message, you’ll need to wait another 24 hours for this situation to replicate. We advise you to double check that your screen recording is ready and set up correctly before replying to the user message.

Check out our example Video 4 - Replying to a User Message from Deskpro for additional support with this step.

next pageFacebook Messenger Set Up - Deskpro Managed (Cloud)
previous pageFacebook Messenger Set Up - Self-Managed (On-Premise)

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