Under Channels> Email > Accounts, you can configure the Email accounts that will be used to accept Tickets and send out Email notifications.

Any new message to one of these accounts is automatically converted to a Ticket within your helpdesk. If the message is part of an ongoing conversation (e.g. it is in response to a message about an existing Ticket), it will be shown as a reply in the Agent interface.
A Ticket Email account cannot also be used for a Deskpro User or Agent account. This is necessary to prevent Email loops, where Deskpro could end up replying to its own Emails endlessly.
It’s best to add Agents using individual Email accounts (e.g. john.smith@yourcompany.com
), rather than with User-facing addresses like support@
Email account configuration differs between the Cloud and On-Premise deployments of Deskpro.
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