In some situations, you may wish to add custom multiple-choice fields that offer different predefined options for each User or Organization.
For example, suppose your Users were landlords and each Ticket was related to one of their tenants. You could track the tenant through a per User field.
For one User, the possible options might be “John” and “Sherlock” - for another, they might be “James” and “Irene”.
You couldn’t use a normal custom field in this situation, because the options are the same for all Users - you’d end up with a custom field that made the User pick from every tenant name you have in your helpdesk.
The solution is to use a Per User custom field. This enables you to create a field with predefined choices, but with different options for each User. You can even allow the User to change the available options through the Help Center.
If you added the Tenants field to the Help Center contact form, here’s what it would look for the two example Users we mentioned above:

A normal custom User field stores properties of the User. A per User field relates to an individual ticket, but the options available depend on the Ticket’s User.
To create a per User custom field:
Go to CRM > Fields > Users and select the per User fields list:

Hit the + New button and add your field properties.

The field properties are:
Field type - In this instance this is a non-adjustable field. All fields created in this area are per User.
Title - The title for your per User field
Enabled - Set the field to be enabled or disabled when it is created.
Description - Add some text to be displayed beneath the field title to add explanation.
Reference Alias - In instances where by default you will need to refer to fields by their ID number (such as reporting and with the API), if you add an alias you can use this instead. This can help make your reports and API requests more readable.
Type - Select the type of per User field you would like to use.
Select box - Only one can be selected at a time.
Multiple-select box - Allows multiple selections.
Radio buttons - Only one can be selected at a time
Checkboxes - Allows multiple selections
Allow Users to edit values themselves - allow Users to amend the selectable values in the Help Center.
Hit save and your per User field will now be accessible to agents in the CRM and users through their profile on the Help Center.
When a per User field is first created there will be no options available for selection. These need to be added in the CRM by an Agent or by the User in the profile if you have allowed Users to edit the values themselves.
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