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Creating Customer Intent Sets

in AI Customer Intents
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Published: 2 Jul 2024|Last updated: 19 Mar 2025
Plan Requirements

Deskpro AI requires a Deskpro Professional or Enterprise license.

Intent Sets are groups of related intents that you aim to use to distinguish a customer's desired action in tickets using AI. For each intent set, the AI Engine will yield one corresponding customer intent.

You can set up Intent Sets to operate on all new tickets coming into your helpdesk. Alternatively, you can manually trigger them to function as a specific action within Triggers, SLAs, and Escalations.

Although you can quickly get started by using the pre-built customer intents and intent sets, you can also build out your own bespoke customer intents to best suit your individual helpdesk.

To create an Intent Set, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow and select New Intent Set.


  1. This will display the Customer Intent Set menu. Here, assign a name to the Intent Set.

  2. Decide if you will want the intents within this group to apply to all new tickets coming into the helpdesk, or if you prefer to manually apply the intents action via an automation.


  1. After filling out the necessary information in the menu, click Create to save the Intent Set.

You can now create intents that fall within this category.

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