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Mapping Custom Entra Fields to SCIM

in Configure AD Sync through SCIM
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Published: 3 Apr 2024|Last updated: 1 Oct 2024

If you would like to sync additional user information from your Microsoft Entra directory into Deskpro using the SCIM sync, you will need to map custom fields within Entra.

You can add custom user fields, and these will be added to your SCIM schema. You can then map the schema attributes to the attributes within Microsoft Entra, and those values will be updated and maintained automatically through the SCIM sync.

What do I need from Deskpro?Copy link to What do I need from Deskpro? to clipboard

In order to map the attributes successfully, you need to confirm 3 pieces of information from Deskpro for each custom user field.

  1. The schema

  2. The attribute

  3. The type

By default, custom fields will use the schema urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User

The attribute is the name of the custom field in lower-case, with punctuation stripped and spaces replaced by dashes (-). i.e. a custom field named "Some User's Field" would be formatted as some-users-field

The type is the type of field it is, such as a string, boolean, dateTime etc.

Please note that type doesn't necessarily match the type within Deskpro. The table below should allow you to match the attribute type to the field type:

Field Type (Deskpro)

Attribute Type (SCIM)

Single-line Text




Multi-line Text
















These can also be found in your SCIM schemas. You can view a JSON output of the available schemas by visiting https://your.helpdesk.url/scim/Schemas.

Mapping the fields within Microsoft EntraCopy link to Mapping the fields within Microsoft Entra to clipboard

Creating the custom attributesCopy link to Creating the custom attributes to clipboard

Within your Microsoft Entra application, click on Provisioning to open the SCIM settings, then select Edit Provisioning at the top. Expand the Mappings section then select Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users

Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users

At the bottom of the Attribute Mapping page, check the Show advanced options box, then click Edit attribute list for customappsso


You should now see a table with all the available attributes currently configured within the application in Entra. At the bottom of the table, you can add new attributes.

In the Name field, enter the attribute in the format schema:attribute. i.e. urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:foo. In the Type field, select the type of field from the table above.

Click Save at the top and confirm the changes, then click the X at the top right to close the attribute list.

Mapping the custom attributeCopy link to Mapping the custom attribute to clipboard

Now the attribute has been added to the list, you can now click Add New Mapping under Attribute Mappings image.png

In the Edit Attribute window, you should be able to configure the attribute mapping by setting the following:

  • Source attribute - This is the attribute in Microsoft Entra

  • Target attribute - This is the attribute in Deskpro. The attributes created in the step above should now be visible within this list


Click OK to add the attributes, and when all customer attributes are added, click Save to apply.

TestingCopy link to Testing to clipboard

Now your attributes have been mapped correctly, you can test they're working by going back to the Provisioning window and selecting Provision on demand. This will allow you to select a user with these custom fields and manually sync them to confirm the fields are mapping. image.png

If the test is successful in Entra, check Deskpro to confirm the fields are now updated in their user profile. image.png

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