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Facebook Messenger Set Up - Deskpro Managed (Cloud)

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Published: 24 Jan 2023|Last updated: 20 Nov 2023

This guide will explain how to integrate your Facebook Pages with the Deskpro managed Facebook Messenger Channel


You should only link one Facebook Page to one Deskpro helpdesk. If you try to link a Facebook Page to more than one helpdesk, only the last helpdesk you link will receive messages from the account.

Install your Facebook PageCopy link to Install your Facebook Page to clipboard

In Deskpro, navigate to Channels > Facebook > Pages.


If you haven't activated Messenger previously in your helpdesk, you need to activate the helpdesk and will be offered the option Managed by Deskpro.

  1. Click on the button ‘Connect Page’ (top right hand side). A popup window will appear with a list of the available Meta features.

  2. Select the features you want, then click ‘Next’

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  1. A new window will prompt you to login with your Facebook account. Please use the account with administrator credentials to manage your pages.

  2. A list of available businesses linked to the Facebook Account will be displayed. Please select the option ‘Opt in to current businesses only’ and choose those businesses that manage the pages that you would like to install in Deskpro and click ‘Continue’.

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  1. A list of available pages will be displayed. Please select the option ‘Opt in to current Pages only’ and choose those pages that you would like to install in Deskpro and click ‘Continue’. Please note that the pages shown to you will be different to the ones shown in the screenshot below

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  2. A list of the requested permissions to your account will be displayed. Please review and click ‘Continue’.

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  1. Click ‘Got it’ to finalize the process and return to Deskpro.

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  1. Upon completion, you will be redirected to Deskpro, and your installed page(s) should appear as shown in the screenshot below

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Re-authenticate your Page accessCopy link to Re-authenticate your Page access to clipboard

Your page could become deauthorized for any of the following reasons:

  • The App has been uninstalled from your page and Facebook has deauthorized the page as a result.

  • Facebook has deauthorized the App and the pages linked to it

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You can reauthorize your page(s) by viewing the relevant Page’s details and clicking on the ‘Re-Authenticate’ button.

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Re-Authentication will take you through the Facebook Login. Please use the same administrator Facebook user that was used to install the pages previously. To Re-Authenticate, please follow steps 2-7 in the previous section ‘Install your Facebook Page’.

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