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Notification Permissions

in Agent Permissions
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 6 Nov 2023

You can decide which notifications your Agents receive for Tickets, Instant Messenger, Tasks, Help Center and their Account.

Notifications in the helpdesk are based on queues, one of the main categorizational structures in Deskpro, so if you create custom queues these will become options in notification permissions.

For each individual queue in a queue set you can enable or disable permissions that carry out notifications for different helpdesk actions, these will notify agents as follows:

  • New Ticket - When a new ticket is created that filters into the queue.

  • Assigned to me - When a ticket is assigned to them.

  • Unassigned from me - When a ticket is assigned to another agent or unassigned from them.

  • New user message - When there is a new message from a user on a ticket in the queue.

  • New agent message - When there is a new message from an agent on a ticket in the queue.

  • New agent note - When there is a new agent note on a ticket in the queue.

  • Property change - When a property is updated on a ticket, such as the status.


All queues will have the same notifications structure, however, not all notifications will match an action scenario due to the set up of different queues.


Agents have the ability to change their own notification settings through Agent Profile > Preferences in the Agent interface, but Admins can allow or deny this by toggling the Allow agent to change email notification settings and Allow agent to change browser notification settings buttons in Agents > Agent Profiles > Permissions > Notifications.

Having control over this can ensure that Agents don't disable any important notifications.


Admins can create custom queues, if you have custom queues in the helpdesk you can also control the permissions associated with these for your agents.

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