You can add the following field types to your Ticket forms in Ticket Structure > Ticket Fields.
These types can also be added as User fields and Publish fields.
- Single-Line Text Box
A single-line text input box that Users or Agents can type into; accepts up to 136 characters.

- Number
An input box where the User can only enter a number.

- Multi-Line Text Box
A larger multi-line text input area that Users or Agents can type into with no character limit.

- Select field
A set of options you define for Users or Agents to pick from, with the option to set pre-selected default(s). There are four types of predefined choices available:
Select Box - Only one can be selected at a time.
Multiple-Select Box - Allows multiple selections.
Radio Buttons - Only one can be selected at a time.
Checkboxes - Allows multiple selections.
- Toggle
A simple checkbox that can either be on or off by default; can require User or Agent to check it (for example, to confirm they accept your terms and conditions).
- Date
Stores a calendar date; Users or Agents can select from a calendar, or enter a date in text in YYYY-MM-DD format.

- Date/Time
Stores a calendar date and a time of day; Users can select from a calendar or enter the date and time manually.

- Display
This type of field is just used to display HTML, and cannot take input; you could use it for warnings, disclaimers or design customization.

- Hidden
A special field that’s never visible to Users, which can take information from cookies or parameters in the URL; you can use this to capture information about the User’s browsing session which Agents can then see as part of the Ticket.
This field lets Users enter any URL links.

- Currency
This field lets Users enter any monetary values.

- File
This field allows Users to attach any files to a Ticket.

- Smart Field
Lets you to create custom Javascript fields.
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