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Trigger Order and Control

in Triggers
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

The Triggers are executed in the order they are listed, with the top Trigger being applied first. You can drag Triggers by the handles at the right to change the order.


In the example above, the Assign Customer Support Tickets Via RR Trigger runs, then Send Agent notifications, and so on.

There are Trigger control criteria and actions which you can use to affect the usual Trigger order.

For example, the Check Email validation Trigger runs the Stop processing Triggers action if the User’s Email hasn’t been validated; which stops any Triggers lower down from running.

The Trigger control actions available are:

  • Stop processing Triggers

  • Prevent Emails to User

  • Prevent Emails to Agents

  • Force Agent Email subscriptions

  • Set Trigger variable

The Trigger control criteria available are:

  • Check if User was emailed

  • Check if Agents were emailed

  • Check Trigger variable (check the variable set by a ‘set Trigger variable’ action)

  • Check current Agent (this checks if the Agent(s) specified caused the event through the Agent interface, Help Center or via Email)

  • Check performer Email (this checks the Email address of the person - User or Agent - who caused the Trigger event)


The value of a Trigger variable is only stored for the duration of the event.

Triggers with a stop processing Triggers action are marked with a ‘broken chain’ icon, to remind you they can break the usual Trigger order.


Bear in mind that the Trigger control actions only apply to the current event. For example, suppose a Ticket is updated and the first Ticket Update Trigger which runs applies a Prevent emails to User action; no Emails will be sent as a result of that particular Ticket update event, but that will not stop Emails being sent to the User as the result of future events.

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