By default, Deskpro doesn’t include the Ticket ID or reference code in Emails to the User.
You can add the ID or reference code to the Email templates used when the helpdesk Emails a User about a Ticket.
In Channel > Email > Templates, in User Email Templates, click Ticket Emails.
You will see a list of templates. You can edit each of these to include the ref code or ID.
Your helpdesk won’t necessarily use all of these. For example, there’s no need to edit New Ticket Auto-Response if you haven’t enabled the auto-response Trigger. The main templates you are likely to want to edit are:
New Agent Reply: The template used to send Agent replies to Tickets.
New Ticket by Agent: If your Agents ever create Tickets for Users.
Click the template to edit it and insert:
- to include the ref code {{}}
- to include the Ticket ID
Click Save.
If you use more than one language, you should insert the variable as part of a custom phrase instead. See the section on Variables in Custom Phrases on our 'Email Template Features' page for details.
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