Routing allows you to customize how Messenger tickets get assigned to your Agents. These can be managed in Channels > Messenger > Routing .
Routing gives you control over:
Where Agents Chats will be routed to.
The routing method for Chats (Simulring, Round Robin or Least Utilized).
Agent answer timeout.
Every agent team should have an associated routing. A default routing will exist in your routing settings. You will need to ensure you add the appropriate agents to the routing.
Adding a New Routing
To add a new Routing, click on the + New button in the top right-hand corner.
Enter a routing name and choose your preferred routing model (see more details about the different routing options below).
Next you can choose which Agents are a member of the routing model. If you are routing by department or team, the agents you select must be in both the associated department and team in order to successfully receive messenger tickets, so you'll want to ensure the Agents in the department and routing settings match up. You will be able to set the department that you want to use the routing model for in the Pass to Agent node in Chatflows.
(Coming Soon!) You will soo be able to bulk add Agents to a queue by team, department or permission group.
Routing Models
The routing model indicates which method of routing will be used for the when conversations in Messenger are initiated by Users. There are currently 4 different routing models that you can choose from.
Round Robin routing model indicates that Messenger tickets will be routed amongst all Agents evenly one by one. The system will automatically balance Messenger tickets so no single Agent handles more or less than any other Agent. For example, given three Agents are online, if Agent A and Agent B have both accepted a chat, they won't receive another chat until Agent C has also accepted a chat. The chat is automatically assigned to the Agent, without any option to dismiss the chat.
Round Robin with Optional Assignment This utilizes the same logic as Round Robin, however if an agent is selected, then they must Accept/Reject the chat. If they Reject, then it will be passed to the next agent in the queue. If no agent accepts, then a ticket will be created and placed in the Unassigned
Least Utilized routing model indicates that Messenger tickets will be routed to Agents in the queue who have handled the fewest messenger tickets. You can determine how many Agents receive the new chat notification at the same time when a chat is routed to the queue. The first Agent to accept will handle the conversation.
Simulring routing model indicates that any incoming Messenger tickets routed to the queue will ring all Agents assigned to the model simultaneously. The first Agent to manually accept will handle the chat.
Answer timeout
For Round Robin with Optional Assignment, Simulring, and Least Utilized models, you have the option to set an 'Answer Timeout' period. If an Agent does not accept the chat within that timeframe, the next Agent in the list will be called.
Where to set your Routing for Messenger
Routing your users to the right agents in Messenger is handled via the Pass to Agent interaction in chatflows. When the Pass to Agent interaction is added to the chatflow canvas, you will see a list of active routing models you have configured.
💡 If the dropdown list in the Pass To Agent interaction is empty, that means you have not configured any routing models yet. Go to Routings in the nav bar to setup your first model.
Note: Tickets are only created when these condifitions are met
A user is passed to an agent via a chatflow using the Pass to Agent interaction
If no agent accepts an incoming messenger chat request, a ticket will be created and it will be placed in the
queueIf a Pass to Agent interaction is not used, the first message a user sends via the widget will create a ticket
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