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Default Triggers

in Triggers
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

Aside from the built-in Department and Email Account Triggers, your helpdesk comes with a set of Default Triggers.

You can edit these to change the behavior of your helpdesk.


Be careful about changing these default triggers. Editing may prevent users or agents receiving important notifications.

For reference, here are the default Triggers and what they do in the helpdesk:

New Ticket:

  • Send Agent Notifications (on by default)

    Sends out Email notifications of a new Ticket to Agents (depending on their notification settings). Uses the emails_agents/ticket-new.html template by default. You can customize the name and account used to send the Email.


You can control the Notification Permissions each Agent receives in Agents > Agent Profiles without editing this Trigger. Agents can also edit their own notifications from Preferences in the agent interface (provided they have the right permissions).

  • Send Auto-Reply Confirmation to User (off by default)

    Sends out an auto-response acknowledging that the User’s ticket has been received. You can customize the name and account used to send the Email.

  • Send User New Ticket by Agent (on by default)

    Emails a User to inform them when an Agent has created a Ticket on their behalf. Uses the emails_agents/ticket-new-byagent.html template by default. You can customize the name and account used to send the Email.

New Reply:

  • Assign Self when Replying by Email (on by default)

    When an Agent replies to a Ticket via Email and the Ticket is unassigned, assign the Ticket to that Agent. Note the action used to achieve this:

    In the Set Assigned Agent action, Current Agent means the Agent who triggered the event - in this case by replying to the Ticket.

  • Send Agent Notifications (on by default)

    Sends out Ticket reply Email notifications for Agents (based on their notification preferences). The equivalent of the New Ticket Send Agent Notifications Trigger, but for replies.

  • Send Auto-Reply Confirmation to User (off by default)

    Sends out an auto-response acknowledging that the User’s reply has been received, using the emails_agents/ticket-new-autoreply.html template.

    You can customize the name and account used to send the Email.

  • Send User New Reply from Agent (on by default)

    Sends the Email with an Agent reply to a Ticket.

Ticket Update:

  • Send Agent Notifications (on by default)

    Sends the Ticket updated Email notifications for Agents (depending on their notification preference).

  • Send Email Notification to Added CC User (on by default)

    Sends an Email notification to the added CC User, using the emails_user/ticket-add-cc.html template.

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