As Microsoft has disabled Basic Authentication for Microsoft Entra ID logins, this means that Office 365 mail accounts must use OAuth2 in order to login to send and receive emails.
We recommend logging into Deskpro in a Private Browsing / Incognito window during this installation, as active log ins to Office365 in your browser could override the login section, and log Deskpro in as the wrong user.
In order to add a mail account to your Deskpro Cloud Instance, first login to your agent panel, then navigate to Admin > Channels > Email > Email Accounts
If you have an existing Office365 email account configured in Deskpro, select that and skip to Step 5.
Click on ‘+New’ in order to add a new email account.
Enter a name for the @<account> email address you will be creating for this email account, and select Use a custom email address. Enter the address you wish to use as your public email in the available text box
As Deskpro Cloud does not pull emails from an external mail server, you will need to configure your Office365 mail account as a forwarder to your @<account> email address specified in the previous step. Please click here for instructions on how to configure forwarding on your account.
The account must be configured to forward emails from the Admin-level. Configuring a mailbox rule will change the FROM address on the emails, which will result in them being rejected by your helpdesk.
For Account Details, there are two options, Office365 (Exchange) and Office365 (SMTP). We recommend using the Exchange method for Office365 emails, but both methods should work. Please consult with your Office365 administrator to see if you have any limitations on how to connect to your mail account.
For most users, the Exchange server to use will be
, but you may need to confirm with your Office365 administrator if you have any issues.
Using OAuth2
At this point you will have the option to select the Authentication method. The manual method has now been deprecated by Microsoft, so you will need to select the OAuth method. Once you have selected the OAuth method, you will find Get Access Token button.
Clicking Get Access Token button will open a window with a choice to Use Deskpro to authenticate with Office365 or Use your own app.
Deskpro to authenticate option will need you to log in to your Office 365 account and grant Deskpro access to your emails. Use your own app option will require client ID and client secrets generated from an application within Microsoft Entra ID.
Use Deskpro to authenticate with Office 365
When connecting using the first option, the Deskpro OAuth provider will prompt you to grant permission to access your emails - check the box and click allow
Use your own app
Before adding your Office365 account with this method, you will need to configure an OAuth2 app within Microsoft Azure. Please follow the guide here and make a note of the Client ID and Client Secret before proceeding.
Connecting using the second option you will be prompted to enter Client ID and Secret.
This would be where you would place your Client ID and Secret generated by Microsoft Entra ID.
Entering your Client ID and Client Secret then clicking Save will then open a popup window asking you to sign into your Office365 account. This account will be the one you wish to add to Deskpro.
Once you have signed in with your login credentials, Microsoft will prompt you confirm the permissions requested by Deskpro. Click Accept to continue. If you have any form of Multi-Factor Authentication enabled for this account, you will also be asked to confirm your login through that.
When the pop-up window closes, the button should now disappear and you can click Create at the bottom of the page to create your email account.
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