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Deleting Agents

in Managing Agents
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

You can delete any Agent using the Delete button displayed at the bottom of the Agent's profile screen, when you access the Agent's profile.


When you delete an Agent, you can choose to either convert their account to a User account, or mark the account deleted.

  • Convert to User

    • Turns the Agent into a User.

    • Immediately unassigns all Tickets currently assigned to the Agent.

    • You can turn the User back into an Agent later, but some settings (such as permissions) will be lost.

    • The person will still be able to use the account to interact with the helpdesk e.g. submit Tickets as a User, log in to the Help Center.

    • Reports data about the Agent will be lost.

  • Mark as deleted

    • Stops the person being able to log in to either the Help Center or Agent interfaces.

    • Any Tickets assigned to the Agent will remain assigned to them until they enter Awaiting Agent status when they will become unassigned.

    • You can fully restore the Agent later.

    • Use this option if you want to keep Reports for the Agent based on their Assigned Tickets.


Deleting an Agent does not automatically reduce the number of Agents you are billed for. If you want to reduce your Agent licenses, please see  this article.

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