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Setting SLAs with Triggers

in SLAs
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

In Business Rules > Triggers you can add or remove SLAs through a Trigger with Ticket SLAs actions.


This action is useful if you want to link an SLA to the value of a different Ticket field.

For example, suppose you want to apply the ‘Resolve in 1 week’ SLA to Tickets with ‘Standard’ priority, and ‘Resolve in 1 day’ SLA to Tickets with ‘Urgent’ priority.

  • You use Add SLAs to apply each SLA to new Tickets with the appropriate priority, but if the priority of an exisiting Ticket changes the solution is to create a Ticket Update Trigger for each priority to change the SLA.

  • You also can change the state of SLAs with the Set SLA State Trigger action.

This enables the Trigger to instantly cause a Ticket to complete an SLA, fail it or go into a warning state.

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