In Business Rules > Triggers you can add or remove SLAs through a Trigger with Ticket SLAs actions.

This action is useful if you want to link an SLA to the value of a different Ticket field.
For example, suppose you want to apply the ‘Resolve in 1 week’ SLA to Tickets with ‘Standard’ priority, and ‘Resolve in 1 day’ SLA to Tickets with ‘Urgent’ priority.
You use Add SLAs to apply each SLA to new Tickets with the appropriate priority, but if the priority of an exisiting Ticket changes the solution is to create a Ticket Update Trigger for each priority to change the SLA.
You also can change the state of SLAs with the Set SLA State Trigger action.
This enables the Trigger to instantly cause a Ticket to complete an SLA, fail it or go into a warning state.
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