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Editing Email Templates

in Email Templates
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Published: 21 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

In order to manage and create Email Templates, you will need to go to Channels > Emails > Templates. Once there, you will be able to view your Email Templates by selecting the appropriate Template from the header bar.

Once the Template has been chosen, it will appear on the left and a live preview of the Ticket will be on the right. Any changes you make will be shown in the preview panel, so you can always be confident about the Emails that are being sent out.

The Language drop-down field along the top of the Template will easily update the language in which the Template is being viewed.


This will be especially useful when checking updating phrases.

If you make too many edits and want to undo them there is a Reset option which will revert all of the updates made.

The Template editor itself will highlight variables phrases and sub-templates.



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