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Google+ Setup

in Authentication and SSO
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 16 May 2023

If you want to enable Users and Agents to log in with their Google account credentials, you should use the Deskpro Google app.


Google Authentication is an older app which relies on an old system which Google has now withdrawn. If you are still using this app on your helpdesk, you should switch over to Google Sign-In as soon as possible.


Deskpro On-Premise Users: before setting up Google authentication, you must update your helpdesk to the latest version to avoid a possible issue which will prevent Users from logging in.

To configure Google Sign-In:

  1. In Deskpro, go to Agents > Auth & SSO or CRM > Auth & SSO, depending on whether you want Google sign-in for Agents or Users, respectively.

  2. Click on Manage on the Google app.

  3. Log in to a Google account and go to the Google Developers Console at

  4. Click Create Project and enter a name and ID.

  5. Follow Google’s instructions for Setting up OAuth 2.0, including customizing the User consent screen.

  • Go API and Services and click create credentials. Select the OAuth Client ID:

google OAuth Client ID
  • You don’t need to enable any APIs.

  • Select the Web application type.

  • Set Authorized Javascript origins to the URL of your helpdesk.

  • Leave Redirect URI as the example value for now. We will insert the correct Redirect URI later.

google setup
  1. Once you've clicked 'Create', a pop up will appear with your Client ID and Client Secret, in Deskpro, enter the Client ID and Client Secret.

  2. Set the Google Apps domain if the Google account you are using is a Google Apps account, and you only want to allow login from Google Apps accounts on the same domain.


If you install Google authentication for Agents, and don’t set a Google Apps domain, anyone with a Google account will be able to log in to your helpdesk as an Agent.

  1. (Agent authentication only) Set the  Auto Agent options. You can also choose 'Login Actions' in order to run a sequence of actions whenever an Agent logs in via this authentication method.

  2. (User authentication only) Set the  Grant Usergroup option. This controls the Usergroup granted to Users who log in through OneLogin and don’t have an existing Deskpro account.

  3. Deskpro will show you the redirect URI (Deskpro: Callback URL) to enter into the project you created. Go back to the Developers Console, and under the APIs & auth section, select the Credentials and then Edit settings to enter the correct redirect URI.

  1. Click Save and Google authentication is now enabled.


If you want to enable Google login for both Users and Agents, install the Google app again in CRM and Agents.

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