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Reference Code Settings

in Ticket Reference Codes
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

By default, a Ticket’s ID number is displayed to Users on the Help Center.


However, Ticket ID numbers are assigned in order: 1, 2, 3... This means they reveal the total number of Tickets you have received in your helpdesk. This also allows repeat Users to work out how many Tickets you deal with.

In addition, once you have a lot of Tickets in your helpdesk, you will end up with long ID numbers that aren’t very readable or meaningful.

You can choose to use Reference Codes instead of the Ticket ID. A ref code is a string of numbers and letters that uniquely identifies a Ticket, but isn’t assigned in sequence.

You can customize the ref code format. You can choose a code format that indicates the date and time the Ticket was created or includes your company’s name; Ticket reference 2014-12-05-ACME-AB3-792 is more meaningful than Ticket ID 74983.

To enable reference codes, go to Features > Reference Codes and enable the Show Ticket Reference Code.


By default, ref codes are in the format ABCD-1234-EFGH.

If you enable Use a custom reference code, you can enter the format you want as a string of tokens, surrounded by angle brackets. For example, <YEAR>-<MONTH>-<A><A><A><><> would give you codes such as 2014-05-QZD45.

Anything you enter that isn’t in angle brackets will be the same in every code.

Here are the available tokens:




A random letter


A random number


A random letter or number


Year as a four-digit number (e.g. 2013)


Month as a two-digit number (01-12)


Day as a two-digit number (01-31)


Hour in 24-hour time (00-24)


Minute as a two-digit number (00-59)


Second as a two-digit number (00-59)

You can also choose to have up to 8 digits added onto the end of the code. These are added sequentially.


Ticket reference codes are also kept unique like Ticket IDs, the system would not allow two Tickets to have the same reference. If you build a reference structure and your helpdesk has exhausted all potential codes, the system would automatically append random numbers to the end of the reference code.


Here are some examples:


Example codes

<YEAR>-<MONTH>-<DAY>- and append 3 digits

2014-10-02-001, 2014-10-02-002 (counting upwards)


1A45QR, 6BB73S


2013-AB34Q, 2013-HXR81


ACME-AB2952, ACME-FV4541


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