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Phrase Translation

in Languages and Locales
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 31 Mar 2023

Custom phrases are used when you need to include text in your email or Help Center templates that isn’t already available in the existing language pack phrases.

You can create a custom phrase by going to Configuration > Phrase Translation, selecting a language, clicking the pen to Edit Phrases and then clicking All Custom Phrases.


To translate a custom phrase, you don’t use the Translation section.

Instead, simply create a phrase with the same name for each installed language.


If your helpdesk uses English and Spanish and you create the phrase 'Custom Winner' with the ID custom.winner in English, you should then create a phrase named custom.winner in Spanish too and provide a translation of the Spanish equivalent, 'Ganador de Personalizado'.

You can then reference custom.winner in any template and it will be automatically displayed in the correct language for each person.


Make sure you use exactly the same name for each custom phrase in each language you have installed.

You can also add translations for the custom phrases that appear on your Messenger widget, for instructions on how to go this check out this article on Translating your Messenger Widget.

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