To connect your WhatsApp Account to Deskpro, please ensure you have:
A Meta Business Account
An approved WhatsApp Business Account
A Phone Number - You must be able to receive SMS or phone calls using this number to complete the verification step.
If you have the above, you can connect your WhatsApp Account to Deskpro:
Go to Admin > Channels > WhatsApp > Numbers. Then enable the toggles to activate WhatsApp.
Click on Add a Number, this will activate the embedded Facebook logging flow.
Click the Login with Facebook option. A new browser window will open and you can log in using your Facebook account.
If the window does not open, please check if your browser is blocking pop-ups.
In the Fill in your business information screen, you need to select the Meta Business Account you wish to use.
Please esnure the business name entered directly represents your business or organization.
WarningDo not link mulitple Meta Business Accounts to a single Helpdesk. Only one Meta Business Account can be used per Helpdesk.
In the Create or select your WhatsApp Business account screen, you need to select the WhatsApp Business Account you wish to use.
You cannot use the same WhatsApp Business Account on multiple Deskpro instances.Once you have selected your WhatsApp Business Account, if you have numbers already associated with the account, they will show in your "Create or select WhatsApp Business Account".
If you're creating a new WhatsApp Business Profile, you'll need to set:
Profile Name
Category (Pick the business category most relevant to your organization)
Now you'll need to enter the phone number, validate it via SMS or call, and then submit the form.
You will now be directed back to the WhatsApp Number page in Deskpro Admin UI.
You'll see your connected business account list on the page and no numbers listed in the Active tab.
The number will be in the "Disabled" tab. Load the "Disabled" tab, your number will be listed along with it's status:
Verified - Number is ready to activate
Pending - Number is pending verification by Meta
Expired - You'll need to go through the add new number flow again.
If your number is verified, click the Activate Number button.
Congratulations, your number is activated. You are ready to start sending WhatsApp messages.
If you can't activate your number, please check that you have completed the following tasks:
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