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in Managing Tickets
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Published: Nov 2, 2021|Last updated: Feb 1, 2023

In the helpdesk, Tickets are routed to Queues which categorize them by different criteria your Admins will have created.

By default, Queues are split into two Queue Sets, My Inbox and Inbox.

The best way to think of the difference between these Queue Sets is My Inbox contains Tickets that are most relevant to you and you need to action, while Inbox contains all Tickets that relate to the entire helpdesk.

My Inbox Copy link to My Inbox to clipboard

The My Inbox area contains the Ticket Queues you will primarily work from. This includes tickets that are assigned to you, a team you're a member of, or any tickets you are following or have tagged in anyway.

My Inbox - Default Queues.png

The default Queues that exist in this Queue Set are:

  • My Live - Tickets that are in the live status. The live status is applied to Tickets that are associated to an active Call or Chat.

  • Mine - Tickets that are assigned to me that are in the awaiting Agent status.

  • I'm Following - Tickets you are following that are in the awaiting Agent status (to read more on following Tickets view our Ticket Assignment section).

  • My Team's - Tickets that are assigned to your Team.

  • My Pending - Tickets that are assigned to you and are in the pending status.

  • SLA Warning - Tickets that are assigned to you and are in an SLA warning status.

  • SLA Failed - Tickets that are assigned to you and have failed an SLA.

  • My Labelled - Tickets that are assigned to you that have a label.

  • Starred - Tickets that you have added a star to, these do not have to be assigned to you.

Inbox Copy link to Inbox to clipboard

Inbox shows an overview of Tickets that you have visibility of but that are not neccesarily assigned to you.

Inbox - Default Queues.png

This Queue Set lets you or teammates manage Tickets that have come into the system that have not yet been assigned, and it gives agents visibility of colleagues Tickets to aid collaboration.

These are the default Queues in the Inbox Queue Set:

  • Live - Tickets with a live status. These could be unassigned or assigned to an Agent already.

  • Unassigned - Tickets with no assigned Agent.

  • Awaiting Agent - All tickets in the Awaiting Agent status.

  • Pending - All tickets with a pending status.

  • SLA Warning - All tickets that are in an SLA warning status.

  • SLA Failed - All tickets that have failed an SLA.

  • Labelled - All tickets in the helpdesk that have a label.

  • Open Problem - All tickets that have been added as an incident to a problem.


Default Queues will only appear if there is a ticket matching its criteria, otherwise it will be hidden.

There is another Inbox Queue included with Deskpro, which is turned off by default, Unassigned (Team) this includes Tickets that have no Agent or no Team assigned.

If you would like this Queue to be available, talk to your Admin about enabling it.

Customizing Queues Copy link to Customizing Queues to clipboard

It is possible for Admins to customize the Queues that are displayed in the My Inbox and Inbox Queue Sets.

They can remove the default Queues if these are not suitable for your organizations use of the helpdesk. They can also add custom Queues or Queue Sets to really make your helpdesk's workflows more specific to your use case.

Queue Settings Copy link to Queue Settings to clipboard

Grouping and Sub-QueuesCopy link to Grouping and Sub-Queues to clipboard

In some scenarios you may want to break down your Queues into Sub-Queues.

For example, if you're in both the Support and Sales team your Mine Queue will include tickets assigned to you from both teams.

You might prefer to see the tickets from both teams separately rather than having them all in one Queue, so you would need to group the Queue based on Team assignment.

To do this, hover over Mine in your queue, this will open a menu from which you can group your assigned tickets:

Grouping tickets.png

In this example to group the 'Mine' inbox by team select 'Agent Team'. Once selected, in the navigation panel you will see 'Mine' has been broken down into Sub-Queues based on Team assignment:


SLAsCopy link to SLAs to clipboard

If your helpdesk has SLAs running, it can be useful to view the SLA status of the Tickets in your Queues.

To do this, hover over the queue you wish to group and in the menu enable the SLA toggle. This will group tickets in the queue by SLA status, the colors represent the SLA status:

Yellow = Passing Orange = Warning Red = Failed

SLA .png

You can click on each number to load a list of the Tickets in that status.


The total number of Tickets in the Queue won't neccesarily add up to the total number of Tickets in the SLA statuses, because SLAs may not be applied to all your Tickets.


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