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Managing Help Center Content

in Publish
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Published: Jul 29, 2024|Last updated: Jul 29, 2024

Viewing Edits & Revisions

You can view the version history of all types of Help Center content (Articles, Guides, News, Files and Forums) this helps you to manage the changes of your content.

You can see a comparison of the different versions of content by clicking on the Version History button in the properties panel.

Version History.png

In this view you can select two different versions and click the Compare button which will open a modal displaying the two versions side by side, giving you a direct comparison of what has changed.


From here you can restore the previous version, or make changes that you wish to add into the more recent.

After you've made any changes you'll need to save the content.

Unpublishing Dates

You can also add automatic unpublishing dates onto your Guides, Articles, News and Files. This can be useful for information that is only relevant to your Help Center users for a limited amount of time.

To add an unpublish date, you click the + under Unpublish on the content's properties which will open a calendar.


Select the date that you want the content to be auto-unpublished and this will then be added into the ticket properties, to undo this just hover over Unpublish and you will be able to clear the time.


When content is unpublished it goes into the Unpublishing Workflows filter.


From here you can review all the content that has been unpublished and decide if you wish to republish it, edit it, or leave it as unpublished.

Adding images

To add an image, click the image icon located at the top right corner of your editor screen: image.png You can also quickly add screenshots or other images to the body of your message by pasting them from your clipboard.

If you have software on your computer that can save a screenshot directly to the clipboard with a keyboard shortcut, then you only need to press Ctrl-V (Mac: Cmd-V) in the reply box to upload the image.

Editing images

To edit the image click on the image and then click the edit icon (the pen). image.png

This will open the image editor, where you can perform the following actions:

  1. Adjust the image - You can crop, rotate, or flip the image


  1. Fine-tune the image - Adjust the brightness, contrast, HSV levels, blur, or warmth of the image.


  1. Filters - Apply a filter to your image.


  1. Watermark - Add a watermark to your image by uploading an image or adding text.


  1. Draw - Draw on the image, including adding text, images, shapes, freehand drawing with the pen tool, or adding lines and arrows.


  1. Resize - Resize your image by adjusting the pixel dimensions.



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