Deskpro has some features that you can use to help Users find the Help Center content they need, whether they are browsing on the Help Center or come onto the Help Center from a search engine.

Editing the URL Slug
An item's URL Slug is the text that appears at the end of the web address for the item on the Help Center.
You can see the URL Slug for an item in the Publish properties pane when you have it open in the content panel. By default, the slug is based off of the content's title.
If you have an article with the title 'Locating your Gas Meter'.
It's URL Slug would be locating-your-gas-meter
It's address on your Help Center would be:
Putting more descriptive text into the web address can help your Users find you Help Center content through web search engines.
Mouse over the URL Slug on the Publish properties pane and click the pen icon to edit the URL text to something else. When you're finished just click off the text box to save the change.
Any links to the old address will be redirected to the new address so you don't have to worry that editing the slug will break any links or stop Users' bookmarks from working.
Linking Articles to Products
On the Publish properties panel you can link products to Knowledgebase articles, doing this will improve navigation on the Help Center.
Setting Related Content
You can cross-reference content on your Knowledgebase with the Related Content tab on the Publish properties pane.
To set up related content open the tab, search for the content that you want to linked and select them from the view panel.
Once the items have been linked, when a User views the article on your Help Center the related content will be displayed alongside each article.
Related Content is useful as it enables Users to easily find related articles once they are on your Help Center.
Search Words
You can add search words to your content, this ensures that an important piece of content is always included in the top search results when a Users searches particular keywords or phrases.
If you have multiple articles that mention maintenance but a specific guide that is the Maintenance Guide then you can add Maintenance as a search word so it is always ranked highly when a User searches the Help Center.
To add search words to content open the item in the Publish app.
On the Publish properties pane use the + Add field to add search words, search words can be a signle word or phrase.
When a User searches for any of the terms you have entered using the Help Center's search tool the item will always appear in the top items of their results.
Labels that you add to Publish content are used for matching in Agent searches.
Some labels are also displayed to Users on the Help Center.

When a User clicks on a Label they will be able to browse other items that have the same label, or can filter content by type.
Labels are also used to return search results from the Help Center.
If your Help Center content doesn’t mention a relevant term in the main body of the text you can add that term as a label and the article will be returned in the search results.
Unlike search terms, labels are not weighted any more heavily in search rankings than the normal article text.
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