You can see an overview of Community items in the navigation panel.
The Topics to Review section shows Community Topics and comments that need approval before becoming visible on your Help Center.

Your Admins can set which Community content needs approval based on the type of content as well as the Usergroup of the person submitting it.
Approving Topics and Comments
Use the Topics to Review filter to approve pending Community Topics.
To approve new Community Topics individually:
Click on the Community Topic. This will open in the content panel.
Use the Disapprove/Approve buttons.

Click Approve to move the Topic to new status. Or click Disapprove to delete the topic. You can enter a brief explanation which will be emailed to the User who created the topic.

To edit multiple Community Topics at once you can use a mass action:
Select the items you want to edit using the checkboxes next to the topics.
This will open Mass Actions in the application panel where you can select the Mass Action you'd like to perform.

If you choose to Delete items with a Mass Action, you can enter a single explanation to send to all the Users.
Use the Comments to Review filter to approve pending comments.
Approving comments works like approving Community Topics, except that:
You can’t enter an explanation when deleting a comment.
You can Edit comments from the view panel; to edit a Community Topic you need to open it in the content panel.
You can click the Create Ticket button to make a Ticket based on the comment.

Working with Community Topics
When accessing the Community area from the navigation panel, you will have various filters for your community topics. Click on a filter to view all its Community Topics in the view panel.
You have the below filters to select the Community Topic from:
Forum where the community topics are grouped.
Topic Status, if they are Active, Closed, Hidden, and view All Community Topics.
The aproved/rejected status of the topic is displayed in a yellow or green circle.

You can use the eye icon to add information to the the view panel display:

Use the Ordered by control at the top of the view panel to sort Community Topics by:
Votes - Total User votes (highest at the top).
Created - Creation date.
Updated - Last update to the topic.
Date Published - Newest at the top.
Last Commented

You can also group community topics according to the labels added to the topics.
To carry out Mass Actions on Community Topics, select items with the checkboxes on the left, then select the action from the Mass Action panel on the right side of your screen.
The Mass Actions available for Community Topics are:
Set Status
Set Forum
Mark as Spam
Set Category
Clear Category
Searching Community Topics
You can find Community Topics using the search bar at the top of the application panel.

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